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I'M 30-meter
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luce clearing
cut areas can
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however, can
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je cleared to
, maintaining
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ithin shorter
under these
e identified,
particularly if there are satellite data available for the initial
regeneration stages. Areas abandoned shortly after clearing can
also be identified by multitemporal analysis. Differentiation of
these practices can help to better understand the impacts of
deforestation and, particularly, that of land use dynamics on the
carbon cycle.
Characterization of Land Use Dynamics
Preliminary results of the processing of 1990 and the 1994 scenes
show that secondary vegetation represents an important fraction
of the total deforested area. Occurrence of abandonment was
checked in part of the area during a field campaign in September
1995. Image classification results and the field campaign also
confirmed that part of the abandoned areas is re-cleared and part
continues in the abandonment state, leading to development of
older stages of secondary vegetation.
These preliminary results are very likely to be the upper limits of
the fraction of the abandonment. They do not differentiate
between perennial cultures (particularly cacao and rubber) and
abandonment, that the authors found in some areas. A more
detailed survey of the region is needed and the potential of using
TM data for discrimination of these categories has to be
thoroughly evaluated to improve the classification results and to
produce reliable figures of the fractions of land in use and
One interesting characteristic observed in this study is that part
of the area classified as abandoned in 1990 was classified as
forest in 1994. This occurred partly because of segmentation and
classification errors, but, also, because of the difficulties in
discriminating between forest and older stages of secondary
The approach described in this paper is being used by INPE
researchers to study land cover/land use dynamics in Rondónia
and in other regions of the Brazilian Amazon. The aims of these
studies are to determine how deforestation and abandonment
evolved in the regions over the last 10-20 years, and to evaluate
some of the impacts of human occupation in the Amazon. The
approach described in this paper has proven to be useful for these
studies, and can contribute to improve the assessment of the
causes and effects of deforestation in the Amazon.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Support for this work was provided
by FAPESP (project number 95/2432-5) and CNPq (project
numbers RHAE 610206/94-0). Authors also acknowledge the
support of Rondónia State Secretary for Environmental
Development (SEDAM) and, particularly, Eraldo Matricardi, of
Silvana Amaral (INPE).
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