Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

Within a relatively small area, the Freiburg-Black Forest test-site 
in Southwest Germany represents in a unique manner landforms 
as well as geographical and climate units, typical for temperate 
Central European landscapes. The study area (about 30x30 km) 
stretches from France over the fertile Rhine valley with its sub- 
mediterranean climate and its variety of agricultural crops, vine- 
yards and forests, to the city of Freiburg in the centre of the area. 
From there it passes the western slope of the Black Forest, 
mostly covered with forest. 
ERS-1 acquisitions (14 Single Look Complex (SLC) data sets 
delivered by the D-PAF, or by ESA/ESRIN) from the commis- 
sioning phase in 1991 and from the multidisciplinary phase in 
1992/93 were selected to cover a variety of seasonal and there- 
fore phenological stages and different meteorological conditions. 
All data were acquired at 10h20 GMT during ascending passes 
of the ERS-1 satellite. SPOT/XS from September 12, 1991 were 
also available, and have been used for the present study. 
Meteorological data (e.g. precipitation, temperature, relative 
humidity) were compiled continuously from July 1991 onwards, 
by three meteorological stations of the German Meteorological 
Service. A digital elevation model (DEM) from the German 
Geodetic Survey was also available for the whole area. 
Data analysis was made by selecting a wide range of well docu- 
mented ground samples: 
The analysis of multitemporal ERS-1 slant range SAR data 
was conducted using 40 test areas (forest, agriculture, grassland, 
built-up areas, water bodies). All test areas, each greater than 2.5 
ha, were selected on flat terrain within the test site. 
After geocoding, the multisensor (ERS-1, SPOT) analysis 
was performed using a forestry GIS from the inventory used for 
regular forest taxation in 1990 for a forest district in the Rhine 
valley and on the western slopes of the Black Forest. This data 
base covers about 6000 ha of forest including stand descriptions, 
species composition and age class. 960 forest stands (polygons) 
located on flat terrain were considered for data analysis. 
The overall processing chain for ERS-1 (SLC) SAR data detailed 
below is especially designed to monitor the changes occurring to 
the scene at a high spatial resolution (Kattenborn et al., 1993). In 
developing this processing chain, emphasis was put on efficiency 
in terms of preservation of radiometric quality and spatial reso- 
lution, computation time, and data storage. 
ERS-1 SAR data coregistration: For the first step of analysis, 
coregistration of the ERS-1 data was performed by shifting the 
frames in range and azimuth. 
Data calibration: Changes in calibration constants introduced in 
the ESA/ESRIN and D-PAF ERS-1 SAR processors, on April 
6th, and November 15th, 1992 were taken into account. Recent 
work shows that uncertainties in ERS-1 calibration are within 
x0.8 dB (Lavalle, 1993). Antenna pattern and range spreading 
loss corrections (Laur et al., 1993) were also performed. 
Spatial multilooking: The multilooking operation is done sp. 
tially by averaging the intensities of 5 consecutive pixels in the 
azimuth direction, then converting the resulting pixel value ty 
amplitude by taking its square root. An overlapping of 1 pixel in 
azimuth is introduced, in order to preserve thin features present 
in the 1-look SLC data. The final equivalent number of looks 
(ENL) after this operation is L=4.8 looks in the resulting image, 
The pixel sampling is then approximately 16x16 meters, with 5 
spatial resolution comparable to that of ERS-1 PRI data, but 
with a much better signal to noise ratio. 
Data compression: Data compression is made by storing the 
multilooked image on linearly rescaled 8-bit amplitude data. The 
scaling factor, which is kept for further treatment in order to con- 
serve data calibration, is determined using global statistics on 
strong scatterers. This way, saturation occurs only for very 
strong scatterers, mainly located within the urban areas which are 
not of interest for our study. Given the low values of these scal- 
ing factors (of the order of 1.5), the loss of radiometric accuracy 
during this operation is negligible within natural areas. 
Restoration of the radar reflectivity: The next processing step 
consists of adaptive speckle filtering by means of the feature re- 
taining Gamma-Gamma Maximum A Posteriori adaptive speckle 
filter, using an 11x11 processing window size for structures de- 
tection and an 9x9 processing window size for speckle filtering 
(Lopes et al., 1993). This operation allows a drastic speckle re- 
duction from L=4.8 looks to an ENL of about L=300 looks. It 
restores the radiometric information with an error not exceeding, 
with 90% confidence level, +0.35 dB in homogeneous 
(textureless) areas of the scene. 
Geocoding and coregistration of ERS-1 SLC and SPOT-XS 
data: Geocoding of the ERS-1 SLC data was performed using 
orbit parameters provided with the ERS-1 data and the DEM 
with a resampling to SPOT pixel size of 20x20 m. Using a set of 
ground control points, the accuracy of geocoding was estimated 
to be 21.8 m in range and 9.8 m in azimuth direction, i.e. about 
one pixel in the map projected images. The SPOT data had been 
delivered in map projection (ortho-image) by ISTAR Ltd. 
Since some observational data suggest that the variability of 
SAR backscatter is related to changing environmental conditions 
(Dobson et al., 1991, Moghaddam et al., 1993, Way et al, 1993, 
Pulliainen et al., 1993), a statistical analysis was undertaken by 
calculating correlations between mean backscatter of test areas 
and meteorological parameters. In table 1, the linear correlation 
coefficients between precipitation measurements and mem 
backscatter values of three vegetated areas (grassland, agricul- 
ture and forest) and an urban area are presented. Precipitation 
measurements for time frames of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 20 days be 
fore each ERS-1 acquisition were averaged, in order to character. 
ise wet and dry periods before the acquisitions. This should allow 
to study the influence of varying moisture conditions 0! 
backscatter behaviour of different kinds of landuse classes. 
These correlations show that the vegetated areas seem to rea 
generally with an increase of backscatter (coefficients of correla: 
tions around 0.8 for precipitation averaged for 20 days) whereas 
the non-vegetated urban area shows no significant correlation 
with precipitation. There is possibly also a difference in the m“ 
response of backscatter to increasing available moisture, as C 
be seen from the higher correlation of agriculture for average 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 
e adu ma lian ld uni t i seh ar

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