Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

for improving classification accuracy of remote sensing data. Yuhas, R. H. and A. F. H. Goetz. 1993. Comparision of 
In : International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote airborne (AVIRIS) and spaceborne (TM) imagery data for 
Sensing , Washington D. C., USA, Commission VII, pp. 80- discriminating among semi-arid landscape endmembers, In: 
86. Proc. of Ninth Thematic Conference on Geologic Remote 
Sensing, Pasadena, USA, pp. 503-511. 
Table 1. Weighted mean values of the spectral DN and VI influenced by bidirectional effects 
Direction Digital Number Vegetation Index 
Green Red IR NDVI TVI 
North 47.9 39.7 50.9 0.107 0.776 
South 60.0 60.4 79.4 0.173 0.797 
East 55.7 52.4 73.3 0.156 0.808 
West 51.0 45.7 53.1 0.058 0.744 
Table 2. Vegetation indices of four different directions in testsite A (mountainous forest) and in testsite B 
(reeds vegetation on flat terrain). 
Direction Site A (Morundai) Site B (near Shinho) 
North 0.049 0.741 -0.099 0.633 
South 0.374 0.935 -0.101 0.631 
East 0.291 0.889 -0.107 0.627 
West -0.211 0.538 -0.102 0.631 
Table 3. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values for dirrernt land cover types on flat terrains. 
Reeds Sand dune | Urban | Vinyl(Green) Rock & Fallow & Arable 
vegetation house Sands farming 
NDVI 0.011 -0.110 -0.097 -0.025 -0.071 0.077 
Table 4. Comparison of the SAM classification with GIS supported in-situ analysis in percentage of the 
classified of the classified pixels. 
Class Number of Pixels Cover % Number of Re.Sample Cover % 
Unclassified 111039 9.08 - - 
Forest 378379 18.87 39 28.06 
Urban 81991 6.70 10 7.19 
Winter Agricultural 232493 19.01 16 1151 of 
Vinyl(Green)house = - 8 5:75 
Barren 6046 0.49 - „11 30 
Reeds Vegetation 54168 4.43 5 3.60 
River 69881 5.71 5 3.60 
Sand dune = - 1 0.72 
Coastal sea 436588 35.70 SS 3037 d 
Total 1222940 100 139 100 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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