Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

substances to atmosphere and water res- 
ervoirs. All disturbances of vegetation 
cover clearly observed on the satellite 
images. The comparison of images ob- 
tained in different years have allowed to 
trace the dynamics of natural environ- 
ment changes at the Kolsky peninsula 
Western part. 
One task of the research project was to 
solve one of actual problem for Russia, 
namely revision of maps by optical sensor 
data (JERS-1). 
The test site is located in the north of 
Leningrad's district. This territory is 
characterised by an atlantic-continental 
climate: relatively mild winter, cool and 
humid summer. Annual precipitation 
ranges from 550 to 850 millimeters. 
Western and southern winds predomi- 
nate. The test site is located within the 
south taiga subzone. The fir and pine 
forests with small areas of broad-leaves 
forests are extensive here. Geomorpho- 
logical structures includes denudative, 
accumulative, glacial and glaciofluvial 
forms of earth's surface. The geological 
basement is in the form of AR- and PR- 
igneous rocks namely granites, 
granitogneisses, gabbro, diorites, grano- 
diorites. These rocks are covered with an 
almost continuous layer of Q-sedimen- 
tary rocks which are mainly moraine and 
glaciofluvial deposits. 
The following factors influence the envi- 
ronment of the researched territory: in- 
dustrial and agricultural activity, forest 
clearing, mine industry, irrigation and 
The influence of peoples has led to the 
development of negative exogenous pro- 
cesses as well as chemical pollution of 
soils, air and water reservoirs. These 
processes result in the transformations of 
natural landscapes and the formation of g 
artificial landscapes. The most effective 
methods of environmental monitoring ang 
mapping are those based on remotely sensed 
The project involves VNIR and SVIR data, 
In addition topographical maps (scale 
1:50,000) and data from an acrial survey 
for the test site were used. Computerized 
processing and interpretation of remotely 
sensed data have been carricd out by 
specialists on the basis of software devel- 
oped at VNIIKAM such as the Classifica- 
tion Program based on Standard Samples 
The layers of computerized interpretation 
were as follows: 
- forests; - clearing forests;- plains; - 
swamps; - water bodies; - arable lands; - 
artificial surfaces. 
The object classes were identified on ap- 
propriate aerial survey images. Then they 
were used for computerized classification 
as standard samples for the researched 
territory. The CPSS uses simultaneously 
3 information layers as input data. To 
reveal the objects by means of computer 
ized processing the following combina: 
tions of spectral bands were used: - forests: 
137; - clearing forests: 2357; - plains: 137; 
- swamps: 268; - water bodies: 357; - 
arable lands : 137; -artificial surfaces: 
The analysis has proven that computerized 
interpretation of OPS-data may be used for 
the revelation of non vectorial and vecto- 
rial objects in landscape mapping and 
monitoring and revision of maps of scale 
1:200,000 and less. 
The accuracy of computerized interpreta 
tion for non vectorial objects is 70%. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996

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