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imageries had to be very intensive for the purpose of
accurate representation of the main public buildings
such as schools, churches, mosques, etc.
These included the overlaying of map and imagery
for compilation, scribing and peeling process for line
map production and layering of the map information
on positive line film.
Overlaying for the Compilation
The base map to be updated was converted to map
transparency and superimposed on the transparent
copy of the imagery to ease transfer of the image
information for updating the base map.
Scribing and Peeling Processes
The scribing was done by having the emulsion of the
scribe coat removed as a kind of engraving, with the
result that the line produced is more stable and finer.
The phonograph needie was very effective for
maintaining a very stable line quality. Peeling
removed an area for screening to present areal
features. These techniques were applied in drafting
the line and areal information respectively.
Layering of the Map Information
Conventional topographic map production is done in
layers of map information. At the scribing and peeling
stages the information layering is organized sheet by
sheet. For our case, as it is in other standard
processing, the layers were organized according to
the colours of the final maps (See Table below) into
five layers for various conventional classes or groups
of features.
Photographic Processing of the Layers
The scribed and peeled sheets were combined for
each thematic colour and photographically processed
using contact printing method. It involved first of all
obtaining a line film negative, duffing out the
anomalies and then reproducing a positive
transparent original of each colour theme. It was this
product that served as the digitizing document. The
advantage of the positive transparent line film is that
it facilitates high definition digitizing.
The stages of production of the digitizable product are
graphically presented in the Figure of the annex, for
the 1:50,000 series. The same processes were
followed for the 1:25,000 series.
Table showing layered information features
Black colour Black Text, frame lines,
planimetric features like
roads, transmission
lines, etc.
Contour lines, other
landform features, rock
outcrops, etc.
Brown colour
Blue colour Hydrographic lines, lake
borders, grid lines and
grid values, etc.
Red colour Road in-filling for
principal routes, etc.
vegetation, forest
reserve, etc.
Green colour
Digital Map Production
For fidelity reasons the digitizing took off using the
original transparent layers prepared in the drafting
stages. Within the ARC-Info starter kit, ARCEDIT
provides all of the facilities for digitizing coverages
with a highly comprehensive set of graphic editing
commands. Locational as well as descriptive
(attribute) data can be edited and manipulated.
For a more detailed explanation, the transparent
layers containing roads and buildings for example
were digitized via a coding system to differentiate
between different types of roads and buildings and
the attribute data entered in the attribute database
which is linkable with the spatial database. This same
process is valid for all different kinds of information.
Once all data, both spatial and attribute, had been
entered and all editing realised, the map design
process started. This involved entering the legend,
titles and text.
Finally hard copies of the produced maps were
plotted with a pen plotter. Digital back-ups were
stored on diskettes to be delivered along with other
All the contour data were digitized during the
digitization process with the corresponding elevation
data attached. These data (in vector format) were
rasterized according to elevation coding. After
rasterization, the ARC-INFO isolines generation and
interpolation modules created a digital elevation
model (DEM) which were stored on diskettes.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996