Certainly it is necessary not only to revise the
cooperative volunteer system, emergency medical
services, and telecommunication systems, but it is
also necessary for each local government to have
accurate information about the present condition of
urban geography. Also, city governments will have to
try to review these urban problems in the light of big
earthquakes through analysis of existing conditions .
This paper examines a report on districts suffering
damage, and various analyses of building types
derived from aerial photogrammetric surveying and
remote sensing in Kobe city, all of which must be taken
into account in the determination of districts at risk
before an earthquake occurs.
In this study, three processes were carried out in
order to determine the areas at risk in urban
disasters, as follows:
1. Collection of information about urban problems and
geography in the the damaged district.
2. Analysis of building types in several districts in
3. Improvement in the realizability of regional
disaster prevention.
The essential aim of this paper becomes clear from
the following two aspects of the above three processes
of surveying by means of aerial photogrammetry and
remote sensing analysis:
1. Consideration of standard decipherment for the
areas at risk of the spread of fire beforehand.
2. Consideration of standard decipherment for total
realizability of regional disaster prevention.
This study used the following five processes in
connection with the No. 2 District of the Kobe
Government :
3)-1. Collection of urban information in the disaster
district.( Ref.1)~5) ):
A map of dwellings on a scale of 2,000:1 was drawn up,
aerial photography was carried out on a scale of
10,000:1 in monochrome, a report of the disaster in
the earthquake-damaged area was compiled, and
newspapers for the month after the earthquake were
consul ted.
Phtograph 2. Narrow Street (Nagata District)
After that, concepts and key words for the study of
this urban disaster were selected from amongst this
mass of information.
3)-2. Stereographical analysis of aerial photographs
concerning building types in urban land use in the
surveyed area (Figure 2,3 and Figure 5.):
In order to determine the bui Iding type, the situation
regarding urban land use before the ear thquake had to
be investigated.
Therefore, this study inspected the building type and
the structure one by one, using three methodologies:
a geographical map on a scale of 2,500:1, a dwelling
map on a scale of 2,000: 1,and an aerial photograph on
a scale of 10,000:1,all compiled before the earth
quake, in 1992.
3)-3. Feasibility field surveying in this study area
Some low buildings and wooden-framed |ow houses Were
not included in the determination of building type
after the analysis of the mapping method.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996