tudy of
st this
in the
> had to
ype and
wel ling
raph on
ear th-
jy area:
es were
ng type
This was discovered only after a strict inspection by
actual field surveying in Kobe had been undertaken.
3)-4. Analysis of remote sensing (Figure 7.):
A great deal of time and labor was spent on analysis
of the stereographical method of aerial photography.
The system used was that for the examination for TM
data, in the case of the Kobe surveying area obtaining
an image qual ity high enough to reduce the expense of
time and labor for the conceptional observation of
urban land use.
3)-5. Overlayer analysis of some mapping surveying
as a present procedure of the following three methods
of mapping (Figure 5,6,and 7):
1) mapping of building types before the earthquake
2) mapping of the urban disaster in the burned-out
3) mapping of land use by remote sensing
The objective of this study is to evaluate the safety
of narrow streets with a high building density by
means of overlayer analysis, using the three mapping
techniques mentioned above.
Table 1. Key Points of Decipherment
Building types
Non-wooden-f r amed
Openspace areas
(Vacant land. Park
Car park)
Key points of Decipherment
-Drawn by soild lines on geo-
graphical map
-Shapes is simple
-Decipherment 1F & More than
2F use stereography
-Drawn by thick lines on geo-
graphical map
-More than 3F buildings wrote
floor # on geographical map
-Decipherment by stereography
-Decipherment by dwelling map
Table 2.Decipherment Rate of Building and House Type
(Nagata District)
Building Type Sample |Decipherment or Not Rate 96
1F 4 3 1 7,5
Wooden- (3) (1) (75)
2F~ 33 25 8 76
(24) (9) (73)
~2F 10 / 3 70
Non- (4) (5) (40)
Frame 3F~ 32 29 3 9 1
(28) (4) (88)
Üpenspace 4 4 0 100
Area (4) (0) (100)
Ys] ese
= eL. Ne"
[S rase
| er
; ELT |
Hr [ FH
Wooden - framed 1F Non - wooden -
Hooden - framed 2F— ESS framed ~2F EEE
Openspace areas Non - wooden -
framed 3F—
Wooden - framed 2F~ SS
Openspace areas
Wooden - framed 1F Non - wooden -
Non - wooden -
framed —2F
framed 3F— L——]
Figure 2-1 Map of Decipherment
in Nagata (Before)
Figure 2-2 Map of Decipherment
in Nagata (After)
Fire stop line t
Spred of fire course comedi
Out break of fire
Figure 2-3 Map of Urban Disaster
of fire in Nagata
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996