Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

ule lag, 3 = 
tive sand 
5, 11 = 
bright and dark frequency areas (Kwarteng and Chavez, in 
ress). 10 maximize the spatial information in the TM data 
used in this study, a high pass filter with a relatively large 
kernel size of 201 by 201 pixels and a 50% addback option 
was used to enhance the high frequency information in both the 
bright desert and other relatively dark areas. The filtered 
results were edged enhanced with a 7 by 7 filter to sharpen the 
Jocal/textural information or very high frequency features 
(Kwarteng and Chavez, in press). The vast improvement over 
the non-processed image is more spectacular when printed on a 
large scale, and also in color composites, such as TM bands 2, 
4, and 7. However, due to publication restrictions, only black 
and white images are shown in this paper. Additionally, image 
interpretation was originally done on a scale of 1:100,000, but 
reduced considerably for publication. The enhanced TM band 
3 image acquired on February 28, 1993, is shown in Figure 2. 
The Arabian Gulf, shown as the black, was masked and 
excluded from further processing. The north-south-trending 
dark area in the middle of the image is the scar from the 
burned oil wells and the subsequent cleanup activities at the 
Greater Burgan oil field. The Greater Burgan, consisting of 
Burgan, Magwa, and Ahmadi oil fields, is the second largest 
oil field in the world. During the 1991 Gulf War, the Iraqi 
forces detonated several pounds of explosives laid against all 
the active 810 oil wells in Kuwait. In the ensuing 
environmental disaster unequaled in the world’s history, 656 
oil wells were set ablaze while 74 others gushed uncontrollably 
from the damaged well heads (Petroleum Economist, 1992). 
During the peak of the fires, 365 burning wells were observed 
at the Greater Burgan oil field (Kwarteng and Bader, 1993). 
The most commonly used technique for vegetation analysis is 
the NDVI, a parameter derived from the red and near-infrared 
channels. The ratio is computed from TM bands as follows: 
NDVI = (TM4-TM3)/(TM4 + TM3) (1) 
where TM3 and TM4 are DN values in the red (0.63-0.69 um) 
and near-infrared (1.55-1.75 pm) bands, respectively. The 
ratio is a measure of the deviations between a vegetation 
spectrum’s chlorophyll absorption minimum and the infrared 
plateau and, thus, a direct indication of the amount of 
photosynthetically active green biomass (Tucker and Sellers, 
1986). The NDVI image computed for the two dates are 
presented in Figures 3 and 4. The images were linearly 
stretched to occupy the dynamic range 0-255. A histogram 
matching procedure from PCI software was used to create a 
lookup table matching the NDVI image of February 4, 1987, to 
that of February 28, 1993. Consequently, the same DN values 
in both Figures 3 and 4 represent the same reflectance values. 
The gray color denotes areas with insignificant vegetation or 
NDVI values. The darker than gray areas which include 
standing water, coastal sabkhas, soot from oil fires, and man- 
made structures (i.e., tar roads, airport runways and buildings), 
have no relations with NDVI. In Figure 3, such areas are 
observed mainly within the Kuwait City limits, north and 
Southeast of Kuwait International Airport. The dark tones 
along the coast south of Ras Al-Qulaiah represent sabkhas. The 
black spot at the Wafra oil field represent an oil spill that 
occurred before February 1987. For the 1993 image, such 
areas include the oil lakes, soot, and tarmats found at the 
Burgan oil field and, to a lesser extent, at the Wafra oil field. 
Winds in the area are predominantly from the northwest and, 
fo a lesser extent, from the southeast. Therefore, most of the 
soot is observed southeast of the Burgan oil field. The amount 
of vegetation that normally would have been found in the oil 
fields and areas downwind had been reduced drastically due to 
the negative effect of the burning of the oil wells. A 
comparison of Figures 3 and 4 show that vegetation within the 
coastal wetlands east of Wafra farms had been adversely 
affected by the burning oil wells. 
The lighter than gray tones represent the distribution of 
vegetation or photosynthetically active areas that include both 
natural vegetation and cultivated crops. The degree of 
whiteness is a measure of the vegetation vigor. The extreme 
white areas represent cultivated farms. In both images, 
vegetation is observed mostly to the north and east of the 
Burgan oil field, within the Kuwait City limits and at the 
Wafra farms. The suburb of Ahmadi with several trees show 
up as white on both images. The 1987 image (Figure 3) shows 
that the majority of the desert lands had less vegetation 
compared with the February 1993 image that exhibits increase 
in greenness/biomass in both the desert and city areas. 
Variation in vegetation distribution between the two images 
was primarily due to climate and, more importantly, rainfall. 
Rainfall in Kuwait is scanty, erratic, and fluctuates from year 
to year with the main rainfall season occurring between 
November to April. The total precipitation recorded at the 
Kuwait International Airport Observatory from November 1986 
to February 1987 was 44.9 mm. For the same period between 
November 1992 to February 1993, the amount of rain recorded 
was 150.2 mm. Lack of rainfall intensifies aridity and causes 
degradation of natural vegetation. For most regions, shifting 
sand dunes and sand sheets are incapable of sustaining plant 
life. Kuwait's vegetation consists of undershrubs, perennial 
herbs and spring ephemerals. The vegetation types are 
controlled by four major ecosystems, i.e., sand dunes, desert 
plain, desert plateau, and salt marsh and saline depressions 
(Halwagy and Halwagy, 1974). The major plant communities 
are: (a) Cyperus conglomeratus, (b) Rhanterium epapposum; 
and (c) Hammada salicornica, with the first two being the 
most predominant in the study area. Comparison of both 
images show that the Wafra farms were extended further to the 
east from 1987 to 1993. Furthermore, the 1993 image shows 
higher plant vigor/biomass and most likely yielded abundant 
crops compared with 1987. 
The NDVI images of the two dates were used as input to the 
selective PCA technique. The resulting image statistical 
variance (Table 1) is related to the surface spectral responses 
such as vegetation and soil. PCI, which represents albedo, 
accounts for 80.18% of the total scene variance (excluding the 
Arabian Gulf) and is composed of negative weighting for the 
input bands. PC2 that maps vegetation related differences 
between the two dates is 19.82% of the scene variance (Table 
1). The ordering of the PCA (i.e., PC1 and PC2) is influenced 
by both the image statistics and spatial abundance of surface 
materials. Because the spectral property mapped into each 
NDVI image are related to biomass/greenness, any changes 
between the image statistics is associated with temporal 
vegetation variations. From Table 1, this can be interpreted as 
an increase in vegetation of 19.82% from 1987 to 1993 and, 
conversely, a 19.82% decrease in biomass from 1993 to 1987. 
The weighting mapped into PC1 and PC2 is influenced by the 
magnitude of the standard deviation (SD) and statistical 
dimensionality of the images that are related to sensor gain, 
offsets, and spectral differences (Loughlin, 1991). Even 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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