MMersee - three regions of Ammersee lake (best of all in regions - modern passive microwave systems in decimetre wave
7. with minimum and maximum values in relative units) range and special software give the possibility to
and using simplest formula to calculate values of operate in the regions with high density of industry and
chlorophyll concentration and in any other tested communication systems.
region of the lake. - GPS application gives possibility to obtain more valid
The obtained results shows, that some regions with ^ remote sensing data spatial distribution in comparison
abnormally high chlorophyll "A" concentration are — with measurements on the base of only of pilot
clearly selected. These regions are related first of all to — experience or videocamera.
west and south-west shores of the lake. For example on Figure 9 and Figure 10 are given
The results presented are derived with the data of thematic maps, obtained with the help of GPS (Figure
microwave radiometric measurements at decimetre — 9) and using only pilot information about aeroplane
wavelength range which exposes the information about ^ location (Figure 10).
upper layer of 20 cm thick The example of soil
Sal 1111
moisture map of agricultural fields on Northern part of
Ammersee lake is given on Figure 8.
; . m , 75.00.09 es 227 em m mo zene x 47.67 F280 eo oi A
68.83 | QE - 68.83
6267 | X poA YT y Le + 62.67
i oa e qum J
56.50 7 CN 4 56.50
remote 5033 F NÉ‘ “9 / ? x + 50.33
yer and ; X E 277 à SD jet
4.17 + Co / 9, 6. A 44.1
ues of aa C E 7
ence 38.00 Den — 38.00
ontact 31.83 = On AR | 31.83
25.67 I [^ 7) | | 25.67
19.50 NOE A 4 19.50
& 08°) / J
13.33 HS — 13.33
Fes ! +
7.17 tac - 7.17
iE ]
1.00 e) di tu OL LLL illc Li | 1,00
1.00 6.83 12.67 18.50 24.33 30.17 36.00 41.83 47.67 53.50 59.33 65.17 71.00
Figure 8. The Example Of Upper Layer (0 - 20 Cm)
Boil Moisture Map Of Aummersee Lake Nortlhem Figure 9. Thematic map, obtained by means of passive
Region (Bavaria, Germany), Obtained Using Passive 8 milcréwavé note P OU me U di PS
| Microwave Remote Sensing Data. ne 8
The day after day measurements in the same region
gave the possibility to analyse the soils upper layer AAN
drying process. The analysis of soil moisture est m
distribution in upper layer (0 - 5 cm), obtained by i NS ]
centimetre radiometers data shows, that all obtained tl > 6 177
peculiarities are remained for this case at whole. The 56.50 |} ZZ | I À 56.50
nl di : . . . I — A NI 4 ]
only distinction consists in more low background value int NZZ EZ. à sat d
of water content as during 24 hours interval divided the N V = F(X Ru 7
Previous and these measurements. The results of joint NN NIA gau
remote sensing data and soil type map analysis shows, 38.00 ee LÉ 3 ] 3800
that there is a good correlation between soil moisture RAS FO ZZ N a dh
. : s T -0. ,
map and soil type map at all. To our mind this r i e NA 1
correlation is based on different drying speed of ne EN d es ad
different soil types after raining. uu oy (€ \ {19.50
13,33 | : f 5 n 1333
Nd > Jj
7.17 L—— À 717
mote 1.00 an) i 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 | i i 1 1 L À 1 | 1 | 1 1.00
ia Th : 1.00 6.83 12.67 18.50 24,33 30.17 36.00 41.83 47.67 53.50 59.33 65.17 71.00
varia, € results of experiments confirmed, that:
; Ilicrowave radiometry method can be effectively used ; ; :
in for solving meu rn bi Qonnecte ty with Figure 10. Thematic map, obtained by means of passive
b n E dn microwave remote sensing method using only pilot
ipu mea study, connected with determination of i an hgonyd
it. SI aler content in soils, s indi
M ome indices of water surface : ‘ : : :
j| ‘À pollution, etc , or we - Passive microwave remote sensing method is effective
ions it's y mean of environment study. In the same time it gives
; in two more objective general estimations of ground state,
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996