Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

from a) b) 
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the 10 "20" 30 40 50. «60 70 80 19° 20 30 -40^ 50 .60- 70 80 
of Stand Age Stand Age 
ds of Figure 1. Successional Spectral Changes. 
the a) March 12, 1995, b) August 10, 1985, €) March 9, 1993, and d) July 8, 1993. 
ubof Table 1. Relationship between stand age and average or standard deviation of DN 
any DN = a + b * exp{-c age) 
and for average for standard deviation 
know Date channel a b c x a b c x 
d of March 12, 1985 -TM3 46.694 207.72 0m08722 0.960 14407 17.192 0.0379 0.904 
TM4 54-202 147.4 0.07947 0.956 2.0597 10.957 += 0.03312 0.846 
TM5 22.939 22.633 0.07344 0.921 1.095 1.165 0.01644 0.535 
well August 19, 1985 TM3 18.144 4.8489 0.04316 0.913 1* - - 0.31** 
2). TM4 51,94 74.012 0.04621 0.943 4. 2* = E 0.337** 
ffset TM5 29.085 61.665/-0.05160 0.942 2.9% = E 0.. 043* * 
line March/9, 1993 TM3 25.776 .276.179 05703292 0.895 4.0353 35.442 0.12111°0%604 
mean TM4 39.913*206.97-'0:1429 0.849 3.2205 31.882 0.415433 0.490 
from TM5 17.387 50.376. 0081271 0.359 O2 d sls 0.00771.0.389 
July 8, 1993 TM3 21.014 6,6287“ 0.0381 0.496 0.2; = = 0:051** 
TM4 75.866 161.43° 0.06271 07914 2.5789 6.3372 0.02367 0.634 
D. of TM5 43.894 177.0 0.09026 0.925 z39 309.0529 00036 0.613 
D853 No of samples: 21, r: correlation coefficient, *: A constant was used in the 
agree classification for each age class. **: Correlation coefficients between standard 
aused deviation and stand age. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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