ize as well
al anomaly
ly assume
d iron con-
n the other
ty anomaly
rface (figs.
' a deeper-
y other ef-
Y applied to
ory results
icter of the
further ob-
rawback of
that pixels
count con:
ated image
ist to make
nprove the
se in which
> to a com
anted here,
3/5) of five
i UTM grid
matic layer
Fig. 3: Color ratio (3/1, 5/7, 3/5 in R, G, B) image of Jibâl Fig. 4: Same area as in fig. 3. Shown is a GIS classifica-
Mugrar (upper middle of picture) showing a strong iron tion of gravity and aeromagnetic residuals. Strong positive
anomaly indicated by pronounced red hues. anomaly is shown in red and orange.
Fig. 5: C i : | |
"Band ratio (3/1, 5/7, 3/5 in R, G, B) image of Khor Fig. 6: Same area as in fig. 5. The anomaly (red/orange)
exists in boue Rot quarter of image). No iron anomaly in the upper right quarter of the image does not corre-
DoT. spond to any iron enrichment at the surface.