Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

chlorophyll a at 25 m depth. Probably, this last maximum 
is due to a different dynamical forcing, being caused by 
divergent isobaths and frontal meandering of the BC 
resulting in shelf break upwelling. In fact, at these two 
sites there were blooms of the colonial diatom Hemialus 
sinensis which yielded values of 62.9 and 62.2 mg m”, 
The results of this study clearly indicate that strong 
upwelling events occurring from September through 
March and April in the Cabo Frio region can influence the 
chemical and biological fields on the SBB shelf at 
distances of up to 300-400 km. As a result, significant 
enhancements on phytoplankton biomass and productivity 
are observed. This is the first reporting in the literature of 
the remote influence of the Cabo Frio upwelling at such 
distances in the SBB. This remote influence was made 
evident through the processing of several AVHRR infrared 
images for the region, which were then jointly analysed 
with in situ data collected simultaneously during an 
oceanographic cruise. The large synoptic view provided 
by the satellite images was crucial in linking the in sifu 
high nutrient and chlorophyll a patches observed to the 
upwelling phenomenon occurring at the northern extreme 
of the SBB. 
The authors thank FAPESP, CNPq and CIRM for the 
financial support of COROAS project, Mr. Joaquim Godoi 
Fo. for drafting the figures, Mrs. Sydnea M. Rosa and 
Carlos E.S Araujo for processing the satellite images and 
Dr. Merritt R. Stevenson (INPE) for his discussion and 
revision of this paper. Dr. S. A. Gaeta thanks CNPq for his 
Research Scholarship. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 
Fig. ; 

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