Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

Colour Infrared (CIR) aerial photographs are widely used 
in many kinds of rural operations and planning. The high 
reflectance of vegetation in the infrared band as well as 
the great distinctiveness between different plants and 
conditions of vitality make it an indispensable means for 
most applications especially in those areas where inter- 
pretation is needed. 
Large scale orthophotos - especially digital orthophotos - 
are of increasing importance as a base of maps: The fast 
production, the many details visible, the high grade of 
actuality, etc., are just some advantages over traditional 
maps. These benefits, combined with the nowadays 
available huge amount of computing power and storage 
capacity, will certainly show a triumphant march of the 
digital orthophoto in most large scale applications in the 
The problem now arises that the non-specialist often 
feels confused and irritated by the false colour infrared 
images. People, like politicans, officials, citizens, want to 
see the vegetation in realistic colours rather than in bright 
red. One solution could be to have two photo flights (or 
one photo flight with two cameras aboard): One to take 
photographs with infrared film material in order to 
produce orthophotos for interpretation purposes; the 
other one to take photographs of the terrain on true 
colour based film material in order to produce 
orthophotos for the final visualization and presentation - a 
way which is normally not possible because of the high 
Therefore the only practical solution of this dilemma is to 
take photographs with that film material that has better 
spectral and radiometric characteristics for the 
interpretation of vegetation - this is the colour infrared 
film material - and to redisign it to a true colour photo. 
The information transfer from objects to remote sensing 
sensor systems is done by electromagnetic radiation. 
Photographic systems record the object reflected sun 
radiation onto the emulsion of a photo. The 
photographically produced picture describes on the one 
hand the geometric characteristic of an object, on the 
other hand there is also a pysical description of the object 
in form of the colour of the object. The colour on a photo 
is the result of intensity and spectral compounds of the 
reflected sun radiation. 
Using colour-infrared-film the visible and near infrared 
part (400nm - 900nm) of the electromagnetic spectrum is 
used for the information transfer. In case of a true-colour 
photo the emulsion of the film is sensitized only for the 
visible part of the spectrum (400nm - 700nm). As the 
spectrum of true colour photograph is a matching part of 
the spectrum of colour-infrared photograph it seems to 
be realistic to find a direct relationship between the 
colours of objects recorded to both of the different film 
types. However this is only on the first sight: By a detail- 
led consideration of the problem a lot of colour desturbing 
influences - as shown below - can be found: 
daily and seasonal change of the angle between 
sunposition and surface element: due to this fact the 
intensity of the reflected sun radiation is reduced ty 
sin8 (0: sun height) related to a vertical angle of inc. 
dence (090^). 
Interaction mechanisms of sun radiation and reflected 
sun radiation with the atmosphere: penetrating the 
atmosphere the sun radiation will be scattered, ap. 
sorbed and reradiated by particels of clouds, haze 
vapour, fog, smog etc. (irradiance of sunlight and 
skylight). Furthermore the reflected part of the sun 
radiation will be desturbed by similiar effects, The 
amount of these effects is correlated with the 
condition of the atmosphere. All effects concerning 
the interaction mechanisms of sun radiation and 
reflected sun radiation with the atmosphere are 
wavelength dependent. 
cameraspecific distortion of radiation: Within the ob- 
jective of a photogrammetric camera the radiation de- 
creases again: besides a position invariant reduction 
factor there is a component that depends on the field 
angle 4: 
AE = prop. cos*t (1) 
(for modern photogrammetric cameras) and on the 
wavelength A of the incoming radiation. 
filter specific distortion of radiation: Dependent from 
the type of filter used the intensity and/or the spectral 
structure of the incoming radiance. Colour infrared 
photographs usually are taken with a yellow filter to 
avoid the influence of skylight. So the effective 
electromagnetic spectrum that is recorded wih 
colour-infrared film material lies between 500nm and 
film specific recording of radiation and photographic 
developing process: Dependent on the intensity and 
the spectral structure of radiation, on the 
characteristic and spectral sensitivity curves of the 
film, and last but not least on the time during which 
the irradiance is incident on the emulsion surface, the 
three dye layers (cyan, magenta and yellow in the 
case of a subtractive photographic process) of the 
film - after the developing process - will be coloured in 
relation to the specific parts of the spectrum. 
object specific reflectance of radiation: Besides the 
above mentioned influences the main part of radiome 
tric differences (colour and intensity) on the photo 
graph is caused by the characteristic of reflectance o 
the specific object. The variation in reflectance 
dependent on the geometry (form, structure of sur 
face), and the chemical and physical characteristic of 
the objects. A complete and definite description of the 
reflectance characteristic of an object can be given bj 
the reflectance function that characterizes the relatio 
between the incoming radiation (L, within a differenti 
solid angle dO, with the direction 0, ;$, ) and the re 
flected radiation (dL, with the direction 0,9) 
dL.(8., D, ©, dy 
Pe iSt) E 
Le( ©. o.) cos .- dQ. 
f(8. CON e. ®,) = 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 
all t 

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