Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

thoroughly dried out. 
Although the flight altitude was only 500 m above ground- 
level and the air was very dry an atmospheric correction of 
an evening flight stripe and a morning flight stripe was 
tested. To calculate the correction it is necessary to 
integrate the temperature and humidity values of a 
radiosonde (weather balloon) during flight time and to 
combine them with the pressure and trace gases of a 
standard summer atmospheric condition. The comparison 
of the original data set with the atmospherically corrected 
picture shows mostly constant temperature differences of 
1 - 1,5 °C higher temperature in the corrected pictures. This 
moderate difference can be explained with the little 
difference between soil temperature and air temperature of 
evening and morning flights. For that reason a costly 
atmospheric correction is not necessary for the complete 
data set. 
2.3 Reference Data 
For the presented steps the following data were used: 
- topographic maps (scale 1 : 10 000) 
- boundaries and sealing degrees of 40 terrestrial test 
sites (total area of 145,3 ha) 
For further analyses and as a reference for all test sites the 
following data shall be integrated: 
- map of biotopes (scale 1 : 10 000) including sealing 
degree values divided in five classes 
- layer of buildings taken from topographic maps (scale 1 
: 10 000) 
- maps of sealing degrees calculated from satellite data 
(Landsat-TM and SPOT-XS) 
3.1 Data Calibration 
The scanner data have to be converted in true reflection 
values and temperature values using the recorded flight 
parameters. Each pixel value has to be calibrated with the 
following formulas: 
for the optical bands 1 - 10: 
Calibrated Radiances L; = C * ( D/G - Dgg,) (1) 
and for the thermal infrared band 12: 
Calibrated Radiation Temperature 
T; — Tag, + ( Togz~ Tass) / ( Dep - Dggi) * ( Di- Dggi) (2) 
D; - - Video Count 
C - Calibration Factor 
G - Gain 
Des - Blackbody 1 Count 
Dag -  Blackbody 2 Count 
Tg, .- Temperature of Blackbody 1 
Tes, - Temperature of Blackbody 2 
3.2 Geometric Rectification 
Data are rectified using the rectification software PRESDO 
(JANSA, 1983). Therefore about 30 ground control points 
per km? were marked as points in the scanner data and in 
scanned topographic maps at the same time (Scale 
1 : 10 000), so altogether about 10 000 ground Control 
points were inserted for all flight stripes. Data are 
resampled with a resolution of 2 m. A possible resolution of 
1 m is avoided, because the necessary storage Capacity 
would be increased by factor 4 (for 2 m resolution 550 MB 
are needed). 
The limited precision of rectification is an argument not lo 
resample down to 1 m. The mean rectification error 
therefore 2,5 pixels (5 m), its maximum is 5 pixels (10 m) 
The software PRESDO only allows a relative rectification vj 
flight stripes on a topographic reference in file Coordinates, 
so the rectified data have to be transformed into Gauss. 
Krüger-Projection (Bessel ellipsoid) by editing the upper lef 
corner co-ordinates of each stripe. 
3.3 Mosaic of Stripes 
To compose the rectified flight stripes into complete 
pictures a mosaic process is needed, which is worked out 
in the software ERDAS-IMAGINE (8.2). In order not to 
modify the intensity value of each pixel, ie. real 
temperature value, the process is performed without 
contrast matching. Tests of mosaic with included contrast 
matching over the whole overlap area partly show 
unsharpness which can be explained with inaccuracy of 
rectification. For that reason each flight stripe was cut outin 
a certain way that the overlap area between two stripes siil 
is only 5 - 10 pixels. A linear rectangular feathering is 
applied on this remaining narrow unsharp overlap area 
which connects two stripes. 
3.4 Calculating Additional Information Layers 
For the estimation of urban soil sealing the vegetation index 
and the cooling characteristics of certain urban areas are 
very important. 
A cooling is calculated using the difference of evening ani 
morning temperature and displayed in a "cooling picture" 
evening ^ ' morning 
The vegetation index NDVI (Normalized Difference 
Vegetation Index) for the whole area is calculated on the 
basis of the following formula: 
NDVI = (Band 7 - Band 5) /( Band 7 + Band5) (4 
3.5_Composition of a Multispectral and Multitemporal Total 
Data Set 
For further steps it seems promising to composite al 
available information layers in one total composition for 
each flight area. Layer comparison and classification 
procedures are now easier to handle. For software reasons 
it is necessary to have all layers in the same format. So te 
additional calculated auxiliary bands, which were in floating 
point format, are now transformed to 8-bit unsigned inlet? 
format. Table 3 shows the picture composition in detail: 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 
-— er Xr Pf) qoc  rTÀ 5 

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