Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

N14° E102 ^ X E104? 
Eo " |. 104* 
0 100 150 200 250km 
Figure 8 Malaria 
N14° E12 7 | 104* 
N14* E 7 E104° 
patients per 1 000 people in 2 years ; 
0 50 100 150 200 250km 
Figure 9 Measles 
remote sensing. Third is to develop a rural system 
model using the NETVIS to examine the possibility of 
continuous development of this region. 
In the light of these themes, ! intend to develop the 
NETVIS into an integrated system incorporating other 
related data sets such as climatic data, soil data, and so 
The field research was supported financially by a grant 
from The Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences 
SPS) and a grant from the Ministry of Education, 
Science. and Culture of Japan. 
databases were provided through the goodwill of the 
Information Processing Institute for Education and 
Development, Thammasat University. In collecting 
related materials, | received overall support from JICA- 
REX. | wish to express my profound gratitude to these 
The voluminous’ 
Kono, Y., Nagata, Y., 1992. Occupational structure and 
village type in Northeast Thailand: A case study in 
Yasothon Province (in Japanese). Southeast Asian 
Studies, Kyoto, Japan, 30(3), pp.241-271. 
Nagata, Y., 1996. Mapping the village database: The 
spread of economic growth to rural areas of Northeast 
Thailand. Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto, Japan, 33(4), 
Svasti, P., 1988. Provincial Information System: A Micro 
Computer Application for Rural Development in Thailand. 
The Information Processing Institute for Education and 
Development, Thammasat University, Bangkok, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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