Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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Abdon, M.M.; and Meyer, M., 1990. Variacäo temporal de 
áreas ocupadas por macrófitas aquáticas através de dados do 
satélite Landsat TM. Anais. Simp. Brasileiro de Sens. Remoto 
(6), Manaus, 1990, Brazil, pp. 545-548. 
Ahern, F.J.; Leckie, D.J.; Drieman, J. A., 1993. Seasonal 
changes in relative C-band backscatter of Northern forest cover 
es. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, GE- 
31(3), pp- 668-680. 
Barrow, C.J., 1987. The environmental impacts of the Tucuruí 
dam on the middle and lower Tocantins river basin, Brazil. 
Regulated Rivers, (1), pp. 49-60. 
Freeman, A.; and Durben, S. 1996. A three-component 
scattering model for polarimetric SAR data. In press. 
Hawkins, RK.; Teany, L.D. 1994. SAREX 1992, data 
calibration. South American Radar Experiment - SAREX-92, 
Paris, 1993. Proceedings. Paris, ESA WPP. 
Junk, W.J.; Howard-Williams, C., 1984. Ecology of aquatic 
macrophytes in Amazonia. In: The Amazon: limnology and 
landscape ecology of a might tropical river and its basin., 
Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publishers, pp. 269-293. 
(Monographiae Biologicae, 56). 
Le Toan, T.; Beaudoin, A.; Riom, J.; Guyon, D., 1992. Relating 
forest biomass to SAR data. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and 
Remote Sensing, 30(2), pp. 403-411. 
Morrissey, L.A.; Livingston, G.P.; Durben, S.L., 1994. Use of 
SAR in regional methane exchange studies. Int. Journal of 
Remote Sensing, 15(6), pp. 1337-1342. 
Novo, E.M.; Costa, M.P.; Noernberg, M.A., 1995a. Relatório 
preliminar do Projeto SAREX Tucuruí. Sáo José dos Campos, 
INPE. (INPE-5621-RRP/190). 
Pope, K.O.; Rey-Benayas, J.M.; Paris, J.F., 1994. Radar remote 
sensing of forest and wetland ecosystems in the Central 
American Tropics. Remote Sensing of Environmental, 48(2), 
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Ulaby, F.T.; Dobson, M.C., 1989. Handbook of radar scattering 
statistics for terrain. Norwood, Artech House. 
Wetzel, R.G.; Grace, J.B., 1983. Aquatic plant communities. In: 
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Paris, 1993. Proceedings. Paris, ESA WPP. 
The author thanks the Brazilian National Institute for Space 
Research, the Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing, the 
Canadian International Development Agency, and the European 
Space Agency for supporting this work. Thanks are also due to 
Centrais Elétricas do Norte for the support during the ground 
data collection in the Tucuruí reservoir. The author would also 
like to thank Dra Evlyn M. Novo and Dra Thelma Krug for the 
support to carry out this study. 
Class Pixels n Mean S Mean S Mean Mean 
Water 27583 13 -28.5 1.4 -24.5 2.4 -25.4 2.2 -26.8 1.5 
Dead trees 33691 14 -16.4 1.7 -19.6 1.6 -19.7 1.6 -18.8 1.6 
Forest 243326 18 -13.3 0.6 -10.9 0.6 -11.0 0.6 -12.8 0.3 
Scirpus sp. - 155176 39 -12.0 0.9 -10.9 0.9 -10.9 0.9 -13.6 1.2 
Eichhornia sp. 14973 8 -15.1 1.5 -13.0 1.4 -13.1 1.4 -14.3 1.7 
Table 3. Mean 6°45 and Standard Deviation (s) values for all classes and all polarization. 
Class Mean D.R. Mean D.R. Mean D.R. Mean D.R. 
Water -28.5 4.5 -24.5 7.6 -25.4 6.8 -26.8 4.8 
Dead trees -16.4 5.6 -19.6 5.9 -19.7 5.2 -18.8 5.0 
Forest -13.3 1.4 -10.9 2.2 -11.0 2.1 -12.8 0.8 
Scirpus sp. -12.0 35 -10.9 3.9 -10.9 4.1 -13.6 5.4 
Eichhornia sp. -15.1 4.2 -13.0 4.0 -13.1 4.0 -14.3 4.8 
Table 4. Mean 6°45 and Dynamic Range (D.R.) values (dB) for all classes and all polarization. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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