Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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For more details see [Nordahl, 1994 and 1995]. This 
paper focuses on the use of the classification method. À 
two-step post-object classification is used as classification 
method as seen in Figure I (see also [Nordahl 1995 and 
1996]). When the result was analyzed from this first phase 
of the project it was clear that many heterogeneous stands 
were wrongly classified. Signature patterns for these 
stands and their respectively training fields have complex 
structure that did not fit well with a statistical classifier. 
At this stage a phase 2 was proposed to investigate the 
possibility to handle nonlinear signatures with the use of 
neural networks in the pixel-wise classification. Neural 
networks for remote sensing classification have been used 
in several projects with various results during recent years 
and some are summarized in [Dalen 1995]. A three-layer 
feed-forward neural network with standard back- 
propagation as training was used and compared with the 
result from the traditional statistical classification in the 
first pixel-based part. 
2.1 Test area 
As test area the Steinkjer municipality forest, 
Ogndalsbruket (21 800 hectares with 8400 hectares 
productive forests) in North-Trgndelag was chosen. It has 
a representative variation for a "standard" forest in 
Trgndelag according to stand sizes, age and tree 
variations. The productive forest is the coniferous stands 
which are dominated by Norway spruce (Picea abies) and 
where Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) has a smaller 
commercial volume. 
In a control area of approximately 650 hectares field 
measurements were conducted to establish ground truths 
for analyzing the results. The height above sea level 
varied in the control area from 150 to 400m and the site 
classes from low to medium-high. Mainly outside of this 
control area there are a total of 45 training fields 
representing approximately 3500 pixels (2140 hectares) 
Which had been registered [Nordahl,Kjellsen 1994]. 
22 Data used 
As it was required to obtain an image from the maximum 
growth period when the spectral reflections are at their 
highest both from the conifer stands and from the broad- 
leaf trees in the conifer stands, we looked for an image in 
the period from mid of June to late J uly, from the same 
year as a recent forest inventory which was finished in 
1991. A search of existing scenes led us to only one 
Suitable, a SPOT2 XS scene from 24 July 1991 which 
Was only slightly covered by clouds in the test area. 
Landsat TM with its higher spectral resolution specially 
in the infrared wavelengths is normally better suited for 
vegetation analysis. But SPOT XS with its higher 
geometrical resolution with 20x20m was interesting for 
classification at the resolution level of stands. As the test 
area contains a variation from almost sea level to 
mountain areas and we planned to combine the image 
with ancillary GIS-data, the scene was ordered with 
geometric precision correction by the use of a digital 
terrain model to UTM coordinate system. 
The digital terrain model (DTM) was a standard product 
from the Norwegian mapping authority with medium 
density point data at approximately 90x90m (3x6"). A 
Kriging interpolation from this data-set was also used to 
calculate values for aspects and slopes for the image 
pixels. A 5m elevation map was constructed and visually 
compared with a 1:10 000 map to control the 
interpolation. In areas with a smooth topography the 
heights were normally correct within some meters and the 
aspects and slopes had negligible errors. Naturally the 
errors are largest in rapidly changing topography, but in 
our test area this is limited to small parts concerning only 
a few stands. Due to the sampling method of the original 
digital terrain model the errors in the interpolated DTM 
are at a minimum along 20m level lines on the 1:50 000 
topographic map. 
The previous forest inventory was from 1981 in 1:10 000 
paper-copies from  ortho-photomaps in the NGO 
coordinate system. Stand boundaries and connected 
attributes were digitized for the control area and for all 
field-checked stands with PC-Arc/Info. Transformation to 
UTM and then to the UNIX image processing system 
(ERDAS) was made. This resulted in one set with raster- 
data and one with vector-data. 
The inventory class system had been established after a 
process which started with an inductive approach [Strand 
1989] for analyzing the image data. The class system got 
three criteria where the first was for size/age with one 
class for clear-cuts and three other classes. The second 
criterion was the average crown coverage of the stands in 
two classes. The third criterion was a two level division 
for the amount of broad-leaf trees in the coniferous 
stands. Out of these classes a total of 8-10 classes was 
used. When the significance dropped too low for the 
objects, the program looked if any of the above divisions 
were significant and let the object be classed into a more 
general super-class. 
The ground truth training fields have been analyzed and 
divided into slope- and aspect-subclasses of the inventory 
classes. A total of approximately 40 subclasses out of the 
8-10 inventory classes was used in the pixel-based 
classification. To handle the topographic effect in the 
image slope and aspect values have been 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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