Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

ciirmaie, vegetation, fisiographic and contour lines maps in 
this work. On the field work was used various equipments 
including GPS, information from the database and maps. 
The softwares used in the process was the SGI 
(geographic information system) and SITIM (image 
treatment system) both development by INPE (National 
Institute of Space Research); EASI PACE - PCI. 
The first phase of this work was the digitalization and 
integration of the thematic information and contour lines in 
a GIS. 
At the Easi Pace-PCi (image treatment system) was 
done the geometric correction of the satellite image. The 
produced image from the digital elevation model (DEM) 
was transported to the SITIM as a new band. This procedure 
facilitate the integration of the DEM with the satellite image. 
The 3, 4, 5 and 7 bands of Landsat TM5 satellite were 
used to the reinterpretaton of the mapping units. Various 
color compositions generated from the digital image pro- 
cessing proceedings were employed, with emphasis in prin- 
cipal component analysis and IHS transformation. These 
proceedings were used to enhance the images and inte- 
grate information that assist the analysis and interpreta- 
tion process. 
In this way, one of the most used techniques was the 
IHS transformation, looking for the integration of the relief, 
in digital elevation model (DEM) form, with the Landsat 
images. In the geographical information system were cre- 
ated a project delimiting the studied area, where the digital 
elevation model was obtained from the digitalization of con- 
tour lines. Other informations were digitalized in different 
layers: drainage pattern, vegetation, geology, geomorfology, 
access and limits. The mapping units were digitalized and 
superposed on the color compositions of Landsat images 
generated from digital processing techniques. The reinter- 
pretation of the images was made directly from video 
The field work was assisted by GPS system to war- 
rant the localization of the observation points. The digital 
image processing was done by the software SITIM (image 
treatment system) and the geographical information sys- 
tem used was the SGI, both developed by INPE - National 
Institute of Space Research. 
The reinterpretation process also involved the analy- 
sis of spectral characteristics of the mapping units. These 
data were used to help the detection of casual heterogene- 
ity between mapping units and to assist the field work. 
The Methodology schematic diagram shows how the 
database was created by compiling the information taken 
from maps thus being analised and modified by the 
Geographical Information System (GIS). On the same 
ilustration is shown the IHS transformation process which 
consists on generating a Digital Elevation Model which is 
combined with the Landsat image resulting in a RGB image 
which colors represent the altitude. 
Again the results were stored in the database and 
trough interpretation to create a adjusted and corrected 
map. On this map were compiled all the legends of soil 
maps (and others) to create a unique legend resulting in a 
final map which acompanied by the report generated the 
agricultural aptitude. 
The images obtained through IHS transformation were 
very efficient. The utilization of the grey levels, at the 3, 4, 
5 e 7 bands, to verify the mapping units at office, was very 
efficient, it allowed the election of the most representative 
places, where the field prospections were done. The Usage 
of images also facilitated the organization of the field works 
because the access to the area is very difficult. 
Finally, the present work demonstrated that it is 
possible to obtain the update and adequate adjustment of 
mapping units using remote sensing, digital processing, 
geoprocessing and field work together. 
All the data obtained by the processes described before, 
resulted in a huge database that is fundamental for 
preserving the environmental protection area of Guaratuba 
and to develop a sustainable management plan. 
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Please regard the colour page at the end of the volume. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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