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fig. 4,
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- classification over the selected zones
- modal filtering to eliminate the "striping"
noise - fig.10;
Fig.10. Landsat MSS 6 image of the sudied area.
- Sobel edge detection (SOBEL), fig.11;
- thresholding the edge detected features into a
bitmap (THR);
Figll. Sobel edge detection filter on the filtered classified image
(Landsat MSS).
- encoding the obtained bitmap into an image
channel (MAP), showing the isodensity lines -
- In order to monitor the morphological changes of
the Sacalin Island, the Landsat MSS - 1975 and
Landsat TM - 1989, have been fusioned with the
SAR - PRI - 1993. The principal components were
extracted from the four MSS bands, in order to
better visualise the shape of the Sacalin Island. It
can be easily observed how the island has thickened
In ime, due to sediment depositing - fig.7 a and
fig.7b; fig.12 a and fig 12 b.
- Significant results are obtained in monitoring the
- a proliferation of phytoplancton algae took
place in 1975 (mainly Exuviela cordata - 40-50
mil/1); this phenomenon - biological pollution type
"red blossoming" may be clearly observed on the
Landsat data of 16.06.1975 (fig.13). The
phenomenon began to decrease in July, fact which
was confirmed by the Landsat image of 25.07.1975.
During the cold season of 1976 a new wide-spread
"red blossoming" occurred - this time due to
diatomee (Scetanema - more than 60 mil/l) which
may be clearly seen on Landsat data of 26.02.1976 -
band 4,5.
- The Landsat MSS & TM recordings on bands 5
and 7 show the successive stage of the evolution of
the Danube Delta, clearly marking the seperation
between the fluviatile delta and the marine delta;
Fig.12. Monitoring the morphological changes of Sacalin
Island,between 1975 and 1993 Landsat MSS first principal
component(1975-right) and SAR-ERS-1(1993-left) images.
- In order to monitor the beach evolution and to
establish the maximum instability areas, field
surveyings have been performed, landmark on
coastal zone and measurements on profiles, airborne
and some correlations with space data, allowing us
to monitor the sediment discharge and depositing
regime in the sea, near the Danube mouths.
- Completing and perfecting our "in-situ"
radiometric targenting system, mainly for the radar
data. There is an obvious need to adapt the classical
(conventional) measurements to the specific remote
needs, for static objects-phenomena, as well as for
slow, respective rapid variable in time ones.
- Also a sustained activity of standardisation should
take place, for the expertise, compatibilisation and
complementarity of data, their fusion and
integration, thus allowing the interchange between
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996