Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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The second implication of the study is the demonstration of 
the possibility of a simple and low-cost image processing 
system for this kind of analysis. Local planners avoid satel- 
ite images due to the cost of hardware and software needed 
for effective processing of such a large amount of data. That 
forces them to rely on old or inadequate spatial data which 
may result in poor decision making. We hope that it has 
been proved that even low-cost systems can help to pro- 
vide up to date information on environment and land use 
changes. Most of the analysis could have been done on 
the hardware already available at the local government plan- 
ning offices with small investments in software. The only 
problem remains in the appropriate training and education 
of local specialists. 
The project was sponsored by the Commission of the Euro- 
pean Communities, Directorate General XII, and EOSAT. 
The attendance at the conference was possible with finan- 
cial help of the Austrian Institute for Eastern and South- 
eastern Europe and the University of Ljubljana Knafelj's 
Eastman, J. R., 1995. IDRISI for Windows User's Guide. 
Clark University, Worcester. 
Gaffney, V., Ostir, K., and Stangi¢, Z., 1995. GI, Satellite 
Images and Cultural Resource Management on Dalmatian 
Islands, Croatia. In: Proceedings of the Joint European 
Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information, 
The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 565-570. 
Gaffney, V., and Stanéi¢, Z., 1991. GIS approaches to re- 
gional analysis: A case study of the island of Hvar. 
Znanstveni institut Filozofske fakultete, Ljubljana. 
Mather, P. M., 1989. Computer Processing of Remotely 
Sensed Images. Wiley and Sons, New York. 
Ostir, K., 1995. Image—processing Software for Archaeolo- 
gists. Archaeological Computing Newsletter, 42, pp. 11- 
PCI, 1994. Using PCI Software. PCI, Richmond Hill. 
Sabins, F.F., 1986. Remote Sensing, Principles and Inter- 
pretation. Freedman and Co., New York. 
United Nations, 1968. Physical Development Plan for the 
South Adriatic Region. Master Plan for Hvar — Proposals 
for the Western Half of the Island. United Nations, Split. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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