Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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Bernardo F. T. Rudorff 
José C. Epiphanio 
Yosio E. Shimabukuro 
Thelma Krug 
Himilcon C. Carvalho 
Remote Sensing Division, National Institute for Space Research, Sáo José dos Campos, SP, Brazil. 
Commission VII, Working Group 5 
KEY WORDS: Amazon, Monitoring, Satellite, Equatorial Orbit, High Temporal Resolution. 
Remote sensimg by satellite in the optical region of the electromagnetic spectrum has a great potential to monitor many aspects of 
the Earth's natural resources. However, the frequent cloud cover, especially in the south equatorial region, limits the acquisition of 
useful images. A new concept for the Brazilian Remote Sensing Satellite (SSR) is under discussion. Its main feature is the low 
equatorial orbit, which will allow data to be acquired at a very high temporal resolution (approximately every 100 min.) This 
should make it possible to acquire cloud free images, cither directly or via multitemporal composed images. The SSR will cover 
the region limited by 5°N and 15°S, with a spatial resolution that ranges from —100 m at nadir (Equator) to a maximum of ~200 m 
at 15°S. The spectral bands proposed for the SSR sensor correspond to bands 3, 4 and 5 of Landsat-TM. Additionally, the sensor 
may include a band in the blue region (0.459 to 0.479 um). Several applications are being proposed to monitor and study the 
Amazon region with the SSR images, such as: a) quantitative evaluation of deforested areas, especially new deforested areas; b) 
detection of burned and burning areas and evaluation of their extent; c) characterization and classification of vegetation cover, d) 
regrowth of natural vegetation; e) phenology of vegetation; f) agricultural activities; g) flood and inundation; and h) mining 
activities. It is also thought that the SSR images will provide important information for desertification studies, oceanology, geology 
and solar radiation. The satellite is expected to be launched in three to four years. Its data will undoubtedly provide relevant 
information to governmental and non-governmental agencies. It will also allow the scientific community to understand better the 
impact of human activities and natural phenomena in the Amazon region. 
INTRODUCTION the satellite and sensor characteristics. Since an improvement 
in a given resolution is very likely to compromise another one, 
the sensor and satellite characteristics have to be carefully 
defined so that the best compromise among the different 
resolutions can be found, based on the state of the art of the 
Brazil is a country with continental dimensions and has around 
8 millions of square kilometers. It has the biggest tropical 
forest of the planet, the greatest continental water volume and 
a fantastic diversity of natural resources and ecosystems that 
are not completely known due to its huge territorial extension. 
A global territorial overview is required to study and monitor SATELLITES 
large scale processes, natural events, and impacts of human 
activities. Therefore, remote sensing satellites can give a The Brazilian contribution to the definition of current remote 
significant contribution to these studies by providing high 
quality images over our planet. 
Brazil was one of the first countries to receive remote sensing 
satellite images on a regular basis. They have been extensively 
used since the beginning of the seventies. The remote sensing 
technique is currently wide spread all over the country at 
Universities, research centers, governmental and non 
governmental agencies, and private companies. Although the 
use of this technique is still limited, it has a great potential to 
be expanded to include new applications as well as to be 
Implemented on an operational basis to support important 
areas of interest such as crop forecasting, for instance. Remote 
Sensing images are basically characterized by their temporal, 
Spectral and spatial resolutions which in turn are defined by 
sensing satellites characteristics has been minor. In general, 
they are established by the scientific community of the 
countries that are responsible for the construction of the 
satellites and sensors; however this doesn’t imply that they 
aren’t adequate to Brazil. As previously mentioned, Brazil was 
one of the first countries to use remote sensing images in 
several areas involved with studies and researches of natural 
resources through the National Institute for Space Research 
(INPE) and several other institutions. 
However, the acquisition of cloud free images from remote 
sensing satellites is the greatest restriction to monitor natural 
resources from space. Radar images are not susceptible to 
cloud cover, but the great majority of current remote sensing 
images are still being acquired in the optical region of the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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