Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

) for stand 
for LVQ in 
S with the 
ented, the 
le training 
tability of 
sults with 
their very 
iven in ta- 
jtting line 
yrtant to 
to verify 
cess was 
e practi- 
he prob- 
but also 
collecting the necessary new experience is very time consum- 
ing. Furthermore, we doubt that the results will be signifi- 
cantly better simply because some hidden problems with the 
new classifier will be overlooked easily. 
As to the mosaicking, in general we would prefer to have 
a separate training set for each separate satellite image. In 
our case, the applied approach was the only possibility of 
composing a classification mosaic due to unsufficient ground 
truth in the Eastern and Western scene. The results of the 
overlaping area proved the approach to be successful. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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