Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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1983, Rock, 1988, Ustin et al 1994, Curtiss et al 1989).The 
observation and measurement of the red-edge shift is difficult, 
requiring Very high spectral resolution. Differences in wavelength 
position between stressed and healthy vegetation range from 0 (no 
shift) to 10 nm, but generally are less than 5 nm. ( Singhroy et al 
1986). This requires very high resolution field and aircraft 
spectrometers. | b5 , 
On the other hand, the chlorophyll concentration is a well defined 
parameter that has a direct effect on reflectance spectra. The 
absorption band analysis techniques developed for the analysis of 
minerals spectra can be used for vegetation. These methods have 
been in use for several years for mineralogical analysis. (Kruse et 
3,1990, and others). Singhroy and Kruse 1991 reported on the 
results of hyperspectral and narrow band multispectral images to 
characterize vegetation damage associated with mine tailings. The 
image processing techniques used the changes in spectral response 
of vegetation in the chlorophyll absorption bands at 680nm. 
Several remote sensing case studies on mine tailings have been 
reported in Canada. The sensors used include airborne and 
spaceborne multispectral images and aerial video. Graham et al. 
(1994) used principal component analysis techniques on Landsat 
TM images to monitor vegetation changes on large areas affected 
by iron ore mining operations at Noranda, Quebec. Mussokowski 
(1983) used classification techniques of multidate Landsat TM 
data to monitor vegetation change over a ten year period in the 
Sudbury. Similar techniques were also used by Hornsby et al. 1989 
at the placer gold mining areas in the Yukon.  Digitize air 
photographs, integrated with topographic and drainage data were 
used to characterize gold mining areas in Timmins, Ontario 
(Mussokowski et al. 1993). Airborne multispectral techniques are 
the most effective to detect and monitor vegetation damage at mine 
sites, and have been used successfully by ( Singhroy and Kruse, 
1991, King, 1993, and Singhroy 1992). 
2.1 Sudbury Case Study - Environmental Restoration. 
The Sudbury mining district in Canada is one of the world 
largest metal smelting complexes and is well known as a 
polluted region, where the landscape has been devastated. 
Mining and processing of nickel and copper has started 100 
years ago. Soil and vegetation were lost from tens of thousand 
of hectares of land surrounding the smelters. Lakes in the 
region were acidified and contaminated with metals. The 
damaged area surrounding Sudbury is of sufficient size that 
TM imagery provide a convenient means of monitoring 
changes in the vegetation. In this area multi-date TM were 
used to characterize the extent of vegetation damage and 
monitor vegetation successes in the region. A June 1984 and 
1995 Landsat images,(Bands 3,4,5) were enhanced and 
classified to assess environmental change over the last 11 
years. The results have shown (Figures 1(1984) and Figire 2 
(1995)) that the areas covered by mine tailings have been 
reduced by 40% and vegetation growth has increased by 50%. 
This environmental restoration as shown from the analysis of 
multi-date Landsat analysis is the result of a well- integrated 
multifaceted approach to the development of environmental 
control technologies and strategies. As an example of one of 
the many strategies, Inco Limited now retains 90% of the 
sulphur in the mined ore, which is the reversed of 1960s, 
when 90% of the ore ‘s sulphur was emitted to the 
ütmosphere as sulphur dioxide.(Gunn 1995) 
Airborne multispectral images (CASI) were used to monitor 
levegetation success at Inco's Copper Cliff tailings area. The 
tailings area is the largest is the largest repository of reactive 
tailings in Canada. It covers approximately 5500 acres and 
contain more than 10% of all tailings in Canada. Tailings have 
been deposited in the basin since the 1930’s, and future 
deposition has been designed for more than 30 years. Results 
have shown that the enhanced CASI images provided the spatial 
and spectral details to assess revegetation success at sites under 
Airborne SAR images were used to characterise the surface 
roughness and local fractures of the large tailing areas so as to 
prevent acid mind drainage. 
2.2 Waste drainage at land fill basements. 
One of the most important tasks for environmental geological 
investigations of land fill areas is the evaluation of their 
basement properties. The capability to prevent waste drainage 
from migrating into the soil and the ground water table is one 
of the main objectives for geological investigations at land fill 
areas. In every case the natural basement of a land fill is 
covered by waste. 
Geophysical methods can penetrate the waste and provide 
information on structural features, soil properties or distances 
to the ground water table. A combination of geophysics and 
the evaluation of historic air photos can contribute to 
describing rock properties at the land fill basement. 
Despite modern in remote sensing technologies, historic air 
photography is an important tool to get high resolution data of 
the former land surface that is now covered by the land fill. In 
this case a 1945 air photograph provides a detailed view at the 
topography of the land fill basement. The photo (shown in oral 
presentation) characterizes the property of the natural land fill 
basement. The main rock unit of the basement, in this case, it 
is a highly rugged limestone. It is covered by clay and loamy 
sediments (thickness: 1 to 3 meters). Normally, that rock 
would protect the underground against the inflow of waste 
drainage coming from the overlaying land fill. In this case, 
natural protecting capabilities of the topsoil were disturbed by 
creating the building pit. Contaminated water can penetrate 
the rugged limestone without any obstacles and migrate 
outside by using the natural ground water flow. 
This example shows that historic air photos dre effective low 
cost method to assess landfill basements. 
2.3 Hazardous materials dumped within mine and mill 
Thermal infrared images can detect materials whose 
decomposition produces relatively high temperatures 
compared to their surroundings. The site is a mine and mill 
tailings (shown in presentation). One of the main 
environmental problems of the site is being caused by dumped 
pyrites and carbon shale. Oxidizing pyrite by produces sulfur. 
Contact of the sulfur with rain water produces acid drainage. 
The acid drainage has contaminated the ground water at the 
site. Therefore, the knowledge about the location of the 
oxidizing pyrites is needed to take steps against that process. 
The oxidation of the pyrites causes the inflammation of the 
carbon shales which produces an increase in temperature. The 
temperatures are detectable at the surface, even if the 
oxidizing pyrites are covered by thick layers of other material. 
In this case, thermal remote sensing is a very prospective tool 
for detecting the locations of the pyrites. Thermal anomalies 
(shown in oral presentation) indicate the locations of a pyrite 
bearing tailings. The average surface temperature outside the 
area is about 5°C. The areas characterized by radiation 
temperatures >25° correlate with accumulations of pyrites and 
carbon shales. Temperatures up to 36,1° could be measured in 
some areas. 
This example shows that thermal remote sensing has assisted 
in the detection of serious risks for the soil and the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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