Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

structural/textural features of a rock type, its composition 
and genesis, he can easily recognize and translate such 
Cl into the said rock type. A so to speak read-out of Cl’s 
is known to be most reliable in case of generally 
classified, or undivided, geological sequences, like 
granitoids, gabbroids, effusives, metamorphites, etc. 
Using an “image” language, one can read from 
sedimentation strata a rock composition and geometry of 
crystalline formations, their fabric, relative age and other 
particulars, zones of plastic strain and metasomatism 
included. In other words, one can create a “lay-out” of a 
geological map; moreover, the lay-out of an 
aerophotogeological map can be made for any area 
overlain by a cover of unconsolidated sediments, 
whatever the physiographic conditions of this area are. 
Besides, the Cl gives means to construct, when needed, 
geological maps for the surfaces of regional 
unconformities within the basement, at its various depth 
intervals, in the crystalline rocks varying in composition. 
An example of a 1/200,000-scale map showing the LPO's 
and results of structurai interpretation thereof is given in 
Figure 1 (Q-cover thickness up to 50 m). Where the 
LPO's strike in a nearly latitudinal direction one can trace 
a distinctly pronounced Cl of an anticlinal fold with a 
trend close to meridional. The fold is discontinuous 
because of longitudinal faults that cut the fold's closure 
into three segments resembling a trident. A central 
structural high is accompanied in the W and E by narrow 
and parallel minor inverted folds, of which the western 
one is nearly asymmetric, while the eastern fold is just 
cut off along the fault. The anticline has resulted most 
likely from vertical movements in the process of magma 
intrusion, as one may judge from a series of sills 
developed within the anticline. Host rocks responded to 
folding by forming medium-size fault blocks, or 
mesoblocks, varying in height. In the south, trains of 
lakes have enabled a concealed fault, that marks off the 
confines of megablocks, to be identified running normal 
to the fold's lineation and axes. As it follows from the CI's 
geometry, a group of rocks constituting a territory may be 
regarded as granitoids and their varieties. 
Figure 2 shows another case of reading out, in the same 
scale, the lithological/facial mode of the crystalline 
formations under the sedimentary cover as thick as 60 
m. Plotted in the drawing is an outcrop area of a jaspilite 
formation containing iron hornfels (in the middle). The 
fabric of the hornfel strata is marked by a nearly parallel 
course of LPO's, whereas the hornfel-bearing host rocks 
constitute a gneiss complex, displaying their typical Ci in 
the form of extended and very slightly undulating LPO'’s 
which not infrequently close up at acute angles. 
In 1984 a really unexpected result was obtained in the 
north of the Fennoscandian Shield (Kola peninsula, 
Lovozero area). While examining a 1/500,000-scale 
satellite image, it turned out that the Khibiny massif (size 
45km x 36km, area 1300 sq.km, relative elevation up to 
800 m, absolute elevation range 1,100-1,200 m), which is 
subsiding gradually eastwards, and the Lovozero 
mountainous terrain (5 km to the west, size 25km x 
27.5km, area 680 sq.km) were originally nothing else 
than a single intrusion. One may consider the Khibiny 
massif of to-day to be a basis, while the Lovozero massif 
is understood to be a former apex that slipped off a 
previously single construction eastwards. The satellite 
image pretty clearly betrays on the Khibiny massifs 
surface a space which, as our experience ip 
photointerpretation suggests, reminds us of a cut-off that 
corresponds by its area to the basement of the Lovozero 
massif. Being projected on to the Khibiny mass 
hypsometric, landscape and structural contours of the 
Lovozero coincide completely with the Khibiny's contours 
in plan view. Nor do the massifs differ in their inner 
structure. It should be noted that ever since the Very 
beginning of research activities in the Khibiny intrusion 
area (1840) and Lovozero massif (1887) those two have 
been treated by all researchers as two separate alkaline 
multiple intrusion bodies which possessed a complex 
structure and primary layering. 
In a period 1990-1992 that hypothesis was checked by 
interpretation aimed to spot an emplacement channel of 
the Lovozero massif. Results of interpreting the Archean- 
Proterozoic basement rocks at a depth interval of 1,000. 
800 m beneath the Lovozero alkaline rock complex are 
presented in Figure 3 (a,b). Plotted in Figure 3a are the 
LPO's, while their interpretation in terms of lithoiogy and 
facies is shown in Figure 3b. Basing then upon the 
already available geological map of the Lovozero 
massifs surround (1981) overlain by the Lovozero 
formations, and looking at the Cl's, we succeeded in 
reconstructing the following stratigraphic sequence of the 
basement complex: (a) Archean rocks - granites and 
gneiss-granites, — (b) granodiorites and . gneiss- 
granodiorites, (c) Archean-Proterozoic rocks - gneiss- 
diorites and gneiss-gabbro-diorites, (d) inferred iron-ore 
formation, (e) gneisses,(f) rocks with their composition 
not defined yet. As for the intrusive formations, we 
managed to plot (g) granites, (h) intrusive bodies filling 
the fauits, (i) dikes and dike-like bodies varying in 
composition and age. We also identified those faults that 
betrayed unconformity in rocks, in particular (k) thrust 
faults, (I) normal faults, and (m) shifts. 
We have not revealed, however, any feeder, nor any sign 
of it. On the other hand, as it can be perceived from the 
Cl's, the rock complex related to a bottom of the 
Lovozero strata that slipped off the Khibiny massif can be 
described as far from being simple. Some of its parts 
appear to be deformed rocks that formed while the 
Lovozero strata were sliding off and down. Good 
indicators of that are plates of foliation and echelon-like 
displacement along the planes of sliding off the massifs 
bottom, as well as the thrust-fault crush zones which 
attain a thickness of 3 m, as is known from drill log data 
of 3 boreholes. 
Integrated geological-geophysical surveys that the 
“Petersburg Geophysical Expedition” State Enterprise 
(PGE) carried out in the area in scrutiny in 1990-1992 
were aimed to provide a basis for detail exploration. The 
specialists involved in the project pointed out a certain 
genetic affinity between the geological sections of the 
Khibiny and Lovozero massifs in terms of lithology and 
structural/textural features. Thus, a poikilitic nepheline 
syenite complex at the bottom section of the Lovozer 
strata correlates well with a ristschorrite at an errosion 
cut plane of the Khibiny intrusive rock formations. Deep 
layers of foyaites, as a differentiated rock complex in the 
middie of the Lovozero formations, are similar to the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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