Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

, Alteration. 
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Table 1. Spatial resolution requirement in mineral exploration and development. 
Reconnaissance Rapid exploration over 5000-20000 Small 20 - 80 
large area 1: 100,000 
Regional Exploration within known 500-5000 Intermediate 10 - 30 
mineral belt or trend, or 1: 24,000 
individual volcanic field 
or mountain range 
District Exploration and mapping 10-500 Large 6 - 10 
within a mining district 1: 12,000 
or hydrothermal center 
Deposit Detailed mapping from 0.1-10 Very large 3-7 
early project phase to 1: 2400 
feasibility drilling 
categories are about 20-80m, 10-30m, 6-10m, and 3-7m, 
respectively (Table 1). Spatial resolution requirements 
also vary with both ore deposit models and the geologic or 
detectable features that are sought (Tables 2-10). For these 
reasons it is important to outline exploration objectives and 
establish a thorough remote sensing strategy on which to 
base the selection of remote sensing instruments and 
imagery, keeping in mind that detectability of a feature 
depends on its spectral contrast with the surrounding 
surface cover as well as the size of the ground resolution 
cell. For the purpose of the spatial resolution requirements 
presented here, it is assumed that a feature must be one-half 
the width of the ground resolution cell in order to be 
detected. Geologists do not typically record objects less 
than 1/32 inch wide on a map. This parameter also 
constrains practical spatial resolution requirements and is 
taken into account in Table 1. 
At the reconnaissance exploration stage, space-based re- 
mote sensing is most applicable to areas with minimal 
geological knowledge, especially inaccessible regions that 
are poorly mapped. The exploration geologist may be 
interested in exploring for favorable structure, lithology, 
or alteration. Regional exploration, as considered here, is 
larger scale than reconnaissance exploration and com- 
monly focused within confined target areas such as a 
mountain range, mineral belt, structural corridor, volcanic 
field, intrusive belt, or other tectonic, magmatic, or 
metallogenic zone. At this intermediate scale, the 
explorationist has usually identified empirical geologic 
Criteria that relate spatially to mineralization and is ca- 
pable of more selective, detailed remote sensing decisions. 
Within confined target areas at the regional scale, litholo- 
gies, intrusive complexes, and ore-controlling faults may 
be important guides. Although threatening the economic 
barrier at most projects today, airborne scanner imagery 
could be quite effective at this intermediate scale. 
The position of band passes and the spectral resolution of 
a scanner are important considerations in the design of 
remote sensing strategies. In general, the smaller the area 
of interest, the larger the scale requirement and the greater 
the demands on spectral resolution. The multispectral 
scanners with band passes that range upward from about 
100 nanometers are more applicable to small scale pro- 
grams from reconnaissance and regional stage into district 
stage. Modern hyperspectral scanners are capable of spec- 
tral sensitivities resembling laboratory spectrometers and 
provide a tool for detailed alteration mapping and differen- 
tiation of rock types and plutonic rock phases. Figure 1 
shows the important spectral intervals for some of the key 
alteration minerals and other deposit related features. 
The unique spectra of many of the secondary minerals that 
comprise alteration suites offer potential for direct mineral 
identification with narrow-band hyperspectral sensors. 
Spectra of alteration minerals and rock types have been 
published by Hunt and Ashley (1979), Lee and Raines 
(1984), and Christianson et al. (1986). Narrow absorption 
maxima or troughs in the SWIR are fortuitous features in 
the spectra of many of the important hydrothermal and 
supergene alteration minerals. Propylitic assemblage min- 
erals (chlorite, epidote, and calcite), argillic minerals 
(kaolinite, dickite, and montmorillonite), phyllic alter- 
ation minerals (sericite, illite), advanced argillic alteration 
(alunite, pyrophyllite), amorphous varieties of silica, su- 
pergene clays, and both potassic zone and contact meta- 
morphic biotite absorb energy in the SWIR. Clark et al. 
(1993) used an advanced spectral mapping algorithm to 
actually map degrees of kaolinite crystallinity, Na/Ca 
variation in montmorillonite, and Na-K solid solution in 
alunite with airborne AVIRIS data at Cuprite, Nevada. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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