Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

| Application sub-system) 
ARCVIEW kernel 
Advanced basic 
evaluation evaluation 
sub-system sub-system 
Fig.5 Interconnection of sub-systems 
of some complex user interfaces become very simple. 
This integration process in shown in Fig. 6. A typical 
example of ADES application is to evaluate the influence 
also a static model of the world’s objects and 
relationships, plus a dynamic model showing activities 
that occur within and between these objects. Otherwise, 
the design process is used to organize objects into classes 
of a hierarchical structure, and defining associations, 
methods, data structures, and the user-ADES interface. 
In ADES, GIS has been used as major tool for natural 
resource management related to agricultural disasters. 
The GIS is also the most important module of ADES and 
is used as basic framework of overall ADES 
implementation. Further, major tasks of the module 
include the various ADES [I/O and inter-ADES 
information processing and the information exchange (or 
communication) among GIS, simulation expert system 
modules. On the other hand, simulation module built by 
continuous and discrete 
Models models system 
Local app. Remote app. Models for testin 
simulation models is used to 
mainly generate a lot of data 
functions : 
about agricultural disaster and 
management [+> scripts 
Fig.6 O-O model for system integration 
rss 1 mc process determent information 
GIS environmentle» Visual C++ 2.0 Evaluation models yejevanı! t9 BERICHTE 
disaster evaluation, including 
Database or eni Expert systeln historical disaster, agricultural 
production planning, disaster 
system Visual Basic 4.0 Simulation model geographic, distribution, aud 
disaster type's information. 
The module uses a pseudo- 
random number generator to 
incorporate the disasters and 
of disaster weather on stored grain, so as to apply 
suitable means to improve dangerous stored grain 
environment to safety environment. Our experiences 
shown that the practical application of ADES reduces 
largely stored grain loss due to some disaster weather, 
which is equal to increase the grain yield. Further, the 
evaluation results from ADES are used to make or 
design various effective control strategies to maintain a 
very good ambient environment of a number of 
warehouses of stored grain distributed over a very large 
geographic area with the help of the remote models of 
ADES. For arriving at the objective, ADES used 10 
years of weather data to evaluate various possible 
influence of current disaster weather on stored grain and 
provided satisfactory evaluation services for a number of 
managers of stored grain. 
In summary, during ADES design and implementation, 
the object-oriented method that includes both analysis 
and design stages was used to build ADES 
implementation, integrate all its components such as 
classes and objects and implement it. The object-oriented 
analysis is a process of defining a model of some portion 
of the real agricultural disaster world in a manner that 
retains the representation of this world as viewed by 
those users who will use ADES. This analysis produces 
losses risk faced by farmers or users of ADES, and 
provides them with numeric form of decision 
information with the help of other ADES function. 
Stochastic occurrence and influence of the disaster about 
crops and areas are draw at random each year from 
empirical probability distributions for these variables. 
Obviously, simulation technique here is mainly used for 
analyzing explicit relation between various variables 
relevant to the disasters and computing their values. 
Otherwise, expert system module is designed by the 
knowledge shop method. In this method, each 
component of the module is controlled by an 
independently running program. A rule-base manager is 
used for organizing the loading and execution of rule- 
base in the module. The rule-base consists of three 
components that are heuristic knowledge rules, 
computation rules and I/O protocol rules. Besides the 
heuristic knowledge rules, rule-base contains a set of 
rules to compute the combined weights of contributing 
factor relevant to the decision information of agricultural 
disaster evaluation. The module uses information from 
simulation module, GIS and data base system for 
reasoning and provides suggestion and decision 
information to GIS module. Generally, expert system 
technique here is mainly used for analyzing implicit 
relation between various variables effecting agricultural 
disaster evaluation and providing non-numeric decision 
information with ADES. Our experience shown that a 
rule-based expert system is really a useful approach in 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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