Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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4.18 Dutch CEASAR and MARCS 
The Dutch International Institute for Aerospace Survey and 
Earth Sciences (ITC) has been involved in the 
development of the CCD Airborne Experimental Scanner 
for Applications in Remote Sensing (CEASAR). This 
instrument covers the 400 to 1100nm spectral region with 
3 bands, 3-50nm bandwidth, between 535-895nm in the 
"land observation mode" and 9 bands of 20-60nm 
bandwidth in the 400-1100 region in the "sea observation 
mode." MARCS is the Multispectral Airborne Reference- 
aided Calibrated Scanner covering the 310 to 1300nm 
spectral region with 8 bands in the 310-1100nm region, 2 
bands in the 1600-1780nm region, 2 bands in the 2100- 
2380nm region, 2 bànds in the 3400-5300nm region and 2 
bands in the 9000-13000nm region. The scanner 
bandpasses range from 50nm to 150nm in the VNIR/SWIR 
region and 700nm to 5000nm in the TIR region. The 
ground instantaneous field of view is 4.2 meters at a flying 
altitutde of 500 meters. 
4.19 Summary 
Within the next decade a new generation of instruments 
wil be developed that will have great application to mineral 
resources and geologic applications. These instruments 
should enable geoscientists to not only discriminate 
important mineral species, but to identify the minerals 
themselves. By being able to characterize mineral 
assemblages in this manner, geoscientists should be able 
to better describe mineral resource potential and develop 
critical information for engineering and environmental 
5.1 SIR-C/X-SAR 
In April and October 1994 NASA flew the Space Radar 
Laboratory on the Shuttle Endeavor in a 215 kilometer orbit 
with 57 degree inclination. This $366 million radar system 
was the most sophisticated system ever flown in space. 
The synthetic aperture radar imaging system had three 
different frequencies (L-band, C-band and X-band) and 
four different polarizations which transmitted and received 
data vertically or horizontally (HH, VV, HV or VH). The 
System provides data in standard products at 
approximately 25 meter spatial resolution, in scenes that 
cover approximately 20 by 60 kilometers. The system is a 
calibrated system which maintains calibration below 5dB. 
During the two missions a total of 50 hours of data, 
corresponding to roughly 50 million square kilometers of 
ground coverage was covered on each mission. The 
ground swath varied between 15 to 90 kilometers 
depending on the incidence angle. 
The SIR-C instrument was built by the Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology and 
consisted of the L-band and C-band antennas. The L and 
C bands use distributed phased-array antennas with 
electronic beam steering. The X-SAR was built by Dornier 
and Alenia Spazio companies and is a single-frequency 
radar which uses a passive slotted waveguide and a tilt 
mechanism to point the antenna. 
The data products consist of survey strips of data in hard 
copy film form, or in CD-ROM form. Approximately 50 CD- 
ROM's were produced for the survey data for each 
mission. These products are four-look data for SIR-C and 
eight-look data for X-SAR with 50 meter pixel spacing and 
100 meter resolution. The precision product is a frame 
image of a subset of the data. The precision products 
have 12.5 meter pixel spacing and approximately 25 meter 
resolution. The precision products are provided on 9-track, 
6250 bpi tapes or on Exabyte tapes. 
Preliminary analysis of SIR-C/X-SAR data has shown that 
it is an exceptional data set which covers parts of most of 
the continental areas of the world. After the Principal 
Investigators complete their initial investigations of the 
data, the data set will be transferred to the EROS Data 
Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and that government 
facility will make the data available to the general public. 
While SIR-C/X-SAR was an experimental system and two 
experimental flights were planned in the original mission, 
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory is seeking to fly the system 
again, in the winter. months and/or perhaps have the 
Shuttle payload flown as a free-flyer for two to three years. 
This system would provide near-global coverage within a 
few months of launch. The data produced would be 
outstanding for explorationists and would compliment the 
commercial monospectral radars. 
5.2 Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR) 
An interferometric SAR uses two different antennas, 
separated by 1 to 30 meters in space while looking at the 
same terrain on the ground. The antennas may be 
mounted on the same imaging platform or on two platforms 
that have the same imaging characteristics at the time of 
imaging. The amount of separation is limited by the 
wavelengths utilized by the SAR. The displacement of 
terrain in the images is small, but because the SAR 
illumination is coherent, the phase difference in each pixel 
can be measured to meter or better accuracy, (Mussio and 
Light, 1995). In one year of mission operations an 
interferometric SAR might be able to provide a digital 
global map of terrain at 5 meter heighting accuracy in 30 
ground instantaneous fields of view. Experiments with 
ERS-1, JERS-1 and SIR-C/X-SAR have demonstrated 
applications ranging from analysis of earthquake 
displacements to pre-eruptive deformation of volcanoes. 
Currently, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory is seeking to 
develop this capability for the United States and Japanese 
MITI and NASDA are in the pre-development phases for a 
satellite system. 
5.3 Japanese VSAR 
The Japanese plan to fly a second spaceborne L-band 
SAR which will have 20 to 50 degree incidence angle 
imaging, 10 meter spatial resolution over a 70km swath 
and dual polarization (HH or VV). In SCANSAR mode the 
system should be able to acquire 100 meter spatial 
resolution over a 250km swath (Osawa, et. al., 1995). This 
mission is planned to acquire a world-wide data set within 
one year of the planned launch in 1999. The Ministry of 
International Trade and Industry and Japanese earth 
resources industry is sponsoring the new mission. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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