Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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range of 450nm to 800nm with 1 meter spatial resolution 
and the multispectral sensor will have 4 meter spatial 
resolution and four spectral bands in the 450 to 520nm, 
530 to 590nm, 630 to 690nm and 770 to 900nm ranges. 
Orbit parameters and stereoscopic capabilities will be 
similar to EarlyBird. 
6.6 Space Imaging 
Space Imaging Inc, is a partnership with Lockheed-Martin 
Co., E-Systems/Raytheon, Mitsubishi Corp. and Eastman 
Kodak Co. They plan to launch a satellite in 1997 that will 
be similar to EarthWatch's systems in that it will carry both 
panchromatic and multispectral sensors. The 
panchromatic sensor will operate over a spectral range of 
500 to 900 nanometers with 1 meter spatial resolution. 
The multispectral sensor will have 5 bands in spectral 
ranges of 450 to 520nm, 520 to 600nm, 630 to 690nm, 760 
to 900nm and 1550 to 1750nm with 4 meter spatial 
resolution. The planned orbit will be at 680 km and the 
sensor will cover a swath width of 60 km. The sensor will 
have fore-and-aft and side-to-side pointing capability for 
6.7 Eyeglass 
Orbital Sciences Corporation, in partnership with Itek and 
GDE is building the Eyeglass satellite to be launched in 
1997. The satellite will carry a panchromatic sensor 
operating in the 500 to 900nm spectral range with 1 meter 
spatial resolution. The orbit will be at 700 km, with a swath 
width of 15 km and it will have along track stereo capability. 
6.8 Resource21 
Boeing and Pioneer Hi-Bred International are developing a 
multisatellite system with 10 meter spatial resolution to 
provide weekly information to farmers. 
6.9 Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI) 
The U. S. Department of Energy, Sandia Laboratories is 
developing a 15 band instrument with 10 bands in the 
VNIR/SWIR and 5 bands in the TIR. Nine of the 
reflectance bands have 5 meter spatial resolution and 5 
bands in the TIR and 1 band in the SWIR have 40 meter 
resolution over a 12km swath. The preliminary design 
phase for the instrument has been completed and launch 
is expected in 1998. 
6.10 Sacagawea 
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is developing a light satellite 
that will provide spatial resolution of 15m to 30m in 5 - 10 
spectral bands in the 3 to 5um and 8 to 14um portions of 
the spectrum, (Kahle et. al., 1995). 
6.11 China-Brazil Resources Satellite (CBERS) 
A cooperative ongoing program between China and Brazil 
is to launch a natural resources satellite in 1997. The 
satellite will carry 3 sensors: a CCD camera, an Infrared 
Multispectral Scanner and a Wide Field Imager. The CCD 
Camera will have 1 panchromatic band (510 to 730nm) and 
4 spectral bands (450 to 520nm, 520 to 590nm, 630 to 
690nm and 770 to 890nm). The CCD camera will have 20 
meter spatial resolution and a 120 km swath. Off nadir 
viewing will provide a revisit time of 3 days, while nadir 
viewing will revisit every 26 days. The IR-MSS will have 1 
panchromatic band (500 to 1100nm) with 80 meter spatial 
resolution and 3 multispectral bands with 160 meter spatial 
resolution (1550 to 1750nm, 2080 to 2350nm and 10400 to 
12500nm bandpasses), and a 120 km swath width. The 
Wide Field Sensor (WFI) will have two bands (630 to 
690nm and 760 to 900nm), spatial resolution of 260 meters 
and a ground swath of 900km. It will provide cloud-free 
coverage every 3 to 5 days. 
6.12 Importance of High-Spatial 
Resolution/Stereoscopic Systems for Geologic and 
Mineral Resources Applications 
Satellite systems which provide 5 meter or less spatial 
resolution over swaths of more than 30 kilometers will allow 
geoscientists to construct digital topographic maps at 
1:25,000 scale with 10 meter contour accuracy. 
Furthermore those systems which also collect multispectral 
data at 5 meter to 15 meter spatial resolution will allow 
thematic maps of general surface cover types to be 
constructed at 1:25,000 scale. These data types, coupled 
with Global Positioning System data, will revolutionize 
geologic investigations in relatively poorly mapped areas. 
6.13 Government Sponsored Versus Commercial 
Market-driven Satellite Technologies. 
In 1996, 36 new satellite systems were planned for launch 
within the next eight years. About one third of the 36 new 
satellite systems are entirely new commercial satellite 
systems. These commercial ventures range in initial 
capital expenditures from $70 million to over $300 million 
and the return on the corporate investments is to be 
generated through the commercial sale of imagery. Over 
the next decade a market-driven image data economy will 
emerge and this new marketplace will change the 
paradigms of image data availability and the costs for earth 
resources data. 
The above advances in sensor technology, combined with 
the prospects of improved spatial resolution becoming 
available in the near future, and being paralleled by the 
development of new and innovative approaches for data 
processing and integration. Much of this effort is likely to 
bring considerable benefits to geological and mineral 
resources applications of remotely sensed data. 
Furthermore, the rapidly increasing processing power of 
affordable desktop computers, combined with the advent 
of graphical user interface driven software, is progressively 
putting data processing within the reach of even small 
mineral resource companies and geoscientists. 
One experimental area which is rapidly developing is that 
of detailed mineral identification and mapping, and their 
applications to exploration, mapping and environment. A 
number of techniques have been developed to take full 
advantage of hyperspectral data, such as spectral angle 
mapping (Kruze, et. al., 1993), convex geometry analysis 
(Boardman and Kruse, 1994), constrained energy 
minimization (Ferrand and Harsanyi, 1994) Tricorder (Clark 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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