Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

The SPOT Photographs are found more 
reliable for Land Use/Land Cover Mapping 
and could be used effectively for the Land 
Use and Land Cover Classification over the 
LITORAL region. This is possible by visual 
as well as digital analysis at an affordable cost 
using a PC-based Software-ERDAS Ver. 
7.5. The orbital images proved to be an 
extremely useful source of data for the 
purpose of detailed regional/local planning 
The authors wish to thank the National 
Science Foundation (CNPQ) of Brazil to 
provide the Fellowship; Federal University of 
Paraiba (UFPB) for transportation ; German 
Aerospce Research Establishment (DLR) to 
supply all the SPOT Data and necessary 
material, ^ University of Connecticut 
(UCONN) for their technical support for this 
Anderson , J.R. , E.E. Hardy, J.T. Roach, 
and R.E. Witmer, 1976. A Land Use and 
Land Cover Classification System for Use 
with Remote Sensor Data: U.S. Geological 
Survey Professional Paper 964, pp.28. 
ERDAS 7.5, Field Guide 1991. 
Teotia, H.S., Kennard, W.C., and Civco, 
D.L., 1988.Optical and Digital Interpretation 
of "SPOT Imagery for Land Resources 
Planning and Management in Northeastern 
brazil, XV1, Int Congress for 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
(ISPRS), Kyoto, Japan, 1-10 July, Intern. 
Archiev of photogr. and Remote Sensing, 
Vol, 27, B11, pp. 799-821. 
Teotia, H.S. and Ulbricht, KA. 1992. The 
Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS 
Technologies for Land Development and 
Irrigation Potential in the State of Ceara, 
NE, Brazil ISPRS- General Convention, 
Washington, D.C., August 2'14. Int. Arch. 
Photogramm. Remote Sensing, XXTX, Comm 
VII, pp. 466-472. 
Teotia; HS., and Viana, F.CDe A 1993. 
Integraçäo de Sensoriamento Remoto e SIG 
Tecnologies para Solo, Uso da Tema, e 
Cobertura Vegetal no Ambiente Semi- Arido da 
Paraiba. Convénio UFPB/CNPQ,  Brasília- 
DF.Processo No. 502639/91-1 (NV). Relatório 
Técnico, pp. 130. 
Teotia, H.S., Viana F.C. De A, Ulbricht KA, 
Civco, DL. and Seemant  Teotia, 1994. 
Detection of Natural Resources Information from 
Satelite Data for Regional Planning. In: 
Proceedings of ECO-Rio 94, ISPRS Commission 
VIL pp. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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