Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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Fig.6: Comparison of Earthquake Epicentre 
Distribution (Bundesanstalt f. Geo- 
wissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Han- 
nover, 1991) with Radarmap derived 
Slope-instabilities developed in the 
superficial quaternary deposits and terti- 
ery sediments during the 16.11.1911-event 
demonstrated the existence of potentially 
hazardous secondary effects of earthqua- 
kes. Various types of  landslides are 
common in parts of SW-Germany as for 
example in the northwestern part of the 
Lake Constance area. There landslides 
occur after nearly every wet season of the 
year. The detailed interpretation of 
satellite radar and of LANDSAT TM-data, 
as well as of aerial photographs 
allows the detection of lineaments that 
are coincident with fault and fracture 
systems influencing slope  instabilties. 
Thus, lineament analysis contributes to 
landslide hazard zoning. .and.. to ‚the 
location of areas susceptible to slope 
failure. This is of fundamental value 
for planning purposes. 
Satellite radar data from Southwest- Ger- 
many have demonstrated their value as a 
tool for earthquake damage-risk evalua- 
The author is indebted to the German 
Science Foundation (DFG) , Bonn for 
financial support. Prof Dr. G.Schneider , 
Institute for Geophysic, University of 
Stuttgart is kindly acknowledged for 
supplying literature and base maps and for 
discussions. Dr.W.Brüstle, Geophysical 
Survey, Freiburg and Dr.N.Deichmann, ETH 
Zürich are acknowledged for delivering 
geophysical data as isoseismal maps and 
epicenter maps. The author thanks Dr.H. 
Runge and Dr.D.Kosmann, DLR, Oberpfaffen- 
hofen,  E.O,Leary, JPL, California for 
providing ERS-1- and SIR-C-data, 
Dr.C.Kônig ,BVBK,Diessen, for the digital 
image enhancement. 
Grünthal,G. & Stromeyer,D.,1995. Rezentes 
Spannungsfeld und Seismizitat des balti- 
schen Raumes und angrenzender Gebiete -ein 
Ausdruck aktueller geodynamischer Prozes- 
Se. Brandenburgische Geowiss. Beitr.,2,2, 
Kosmann,D.,Winter,R.,Sties,M. & Wiggenha- 
gen,M.,1994. Mosaicing and Classification 
for the Radarmap Germany. Proceed.Second 
ERS-1 Symposium - Space at the Service of 
our Environment, Hamburg,11-14.10.1993, 
ESA SP-361, pp. 629-633 
Schneider,G.,1979. The Earthquake in the 
Swabian Jura of 16.11.1911 and Present 
Concepts of Seismotectonics. Tectonophy- 
Schneider,G.,1980. Seismic  Stresses in 
Southern Germany. Rock Mechanics, Suppl.9, 
Smit,P.,1989. Seismotektonische und 
aeromagnetische Untersuchungen in der 
Region Ramsen (Kanton Schaffhausen). 
Diplom-Arbeit an der Abt.für Naturwiss., 
ETH Zürich 
dung im Bodenseegebiet.Geowissenschaften, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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