Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

On basis of field spectroscopic investigations we selected samples 
and subsequently areas that could serve as spectral end-members for 
the different lithologies. Their TM spectra as we extracted these 
from the TM data cube are shown in Fig. 4. It should be noted 
that non of these end-members can be considered "pure" in the 
sense that it comprises only one single surface material. On the 
contrary, we selected those areas that show a representative mix 
of different ground materials (e.g. green vegetation, dry 
vegetation, soil lithology) that are characteristic for the 
particular lithologic unit. 
A cross correlogram is constructed by calculating the cross 
correlation coefficient between a test spectrum, usually a pixel 
spectrum, and a reference spectrum, usually a laboratory 
spectrum at different match positions (or lags). By convention, 
we move the reference spectrum and refer to a negative match 
position when shifting toward shorter wavelengths and to a 
positive match position when shifting toward a longer 
wavelength. Thus match position -1 means that we are 
calculating the cross correlation between the test spectrum and 
the reference spectrum in which all channels have been shifted 
by one channel position number to the lower end of the 
spectrum. The cross correlation, r,, at each match position, m, is 
equivalent to the ordinary linear correlation coefficient and is 
defined as the product of the covariance and the sum of the 
standard deviations as 
ue (1) 
where COV,. is the covariance between the overlapped portions of 
the test spectrum, f, and reference spectrum, r, and s, and s, are the 
corresponding standard deviations. If we denote the test and 
reference spectrum as À, and À,, respectively, and define n as the 
number of overlapping positions, the cross correlation for match 
position m can be calculated as 
Tm 3 (2) 
JA (ZA) [n ZA2-(ZA 
The significance of the cross correlation coefficient can be assessed 
by the following #-test 
which has (n-2) degrees of freedom and tests the null hypothesis 
stating that the correlation between the two spectra at a specific 
match position is zero. 
Kaolinite - um em Gm am um um == rm wn un us zs Gm 
seas 309 09 89: 59 Alunite ; ; 
1 —e bz 
0.9 > m > °° es "a, 
Pd > 
os| > 2° » 
‘ » ~ 
0.7% x x » 
0.6 M > » 
os X X e. 
0.4 Pd i » 
os| ,* x e 
*  Skewness X s 
o2 Kaolinite = 0 x ? 
Bou ‘a Alunite = -1.489 x 
= 9 S Buddingtonite = -1.162 =» 
E 01 x x 
902 ‘a » 
03 Sw 3 
0.4 w = 
* * 
-.$ Sa > 
-0.6 Wu "^, >» 
. . - 
97| * *-"- *Buddingtonite ^. an 
-.8| > > ->—->Alunite # t 
9| € 9-9- 9Kaolinitc LE 
He pe de 
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -S -4 -3 2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 
Match position (in spectral channels) 
20 me 
~ - 
^ - 
- 4 - 
^M - 4 
* 60 = nt 
8 NM oL. speret 
Su lc nee Cr M LI UM are cet 
Qa TE AA DEM rrr rene TEE 
e hos 3 ga ent 
3 Mtr saee rn ceo saa easet nt ma naa 
dj 40 
ao] omm mm kaolinite 
An teer alunite 
mtm buddingtonite 
2.1 2.12 2.14 2.16 2.18 2.2 2.22 2.24 
Wavelength (in um) 
Fig. 5. Cross Correlograms for kaolinite (reference) vs. 
kaolinite, buddingtonite and alunite (test). 
Sensitivity of the method 
In order to test the sensitivity of the cross correlogram as a tool for 
spectral matching, we first applied the method to reflectance spectra 
from the NASA-JPL laboratory spectral library. Spectra in this 
library were measured on a Beckman UV 5240 spectrophotometer 
which has a sampling interval of 1 nm in the wavelength range of 
0.4 to 0.8um, and a sampling interval of 4 nm in the wavelength 
range of 0.8 to 2.5um. Bandwidth ranges from 1 nm at 0.4pm to 40 
nm at 25um with a spectral resolution (defined as 
bandwidth/wavelength) better than 2 percent at all wavelengths. 
As a reference spectrum we have selected kaolinite and compared 
it with two other clay minerals; alunite and buddingtonite. Kaolinite 
has a strong absorption feature at 1.4pm and a double absorption 
feature centered at 2. 161m and 2.2um. Due to the lack of H,O, the 
feature at 1.9um is weakly developed or missing. Alunite is 
characterized by absorption features at 2.16pm and 2.20pm. due to 
OH frequency stretching and a nearly symmetrical shape in the 
2.08-2.28um. region. A second broad absorption feature occurs at 
2.32um. An absorption feature at 2.02um. and a vibrational 
absorption feature due to NH, at 2.11pm. are the main diagnostic 
features distinguishing buddingtonite spectrally from other clay 
The correlogram (not shown here) of kaolinite vs. kaolinite is 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 
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