The Chinese problem is vast; in fact, the amount of coal lost to
fires there can only be guessed at (The loss was estimated to be
between 100 and 200 million tonnes in 1992 (Rozema et al.,
1995).) Particular problems in the case of the Chinese coal fires
are the vast area over which the fires are spread and the
remoteness of many of the areas in which they occur. This
situation would seem to present a good opportunity for the use of
remote sensing data for fire detection and monitoring. Obviously
one would want to use data with as high as resolution as possible -
probably airborne data - for this, but it would be impractical to
gather such data for the whole of the fire-prone areas. For this
reason, a hierarchical detection scheme is being tested, whereby
thermal anomalies are first looked for in low resolution data and
subsequently in data sets of higher and higher resolution. At each
stage, the area investigated is smaller.
Images from the thermal bands of the NOAA-AVHRR, ERS-1-
ATSR and Landsat-TM sensors have been acquired together with
thermal data gathered by an airborne multispectral scanner
belonging to the ARSC. It is also hoped to acquire some
RESURS-01 data later.
1.2 Detection of Thermal Anomalies
In order to test the detection methods, three small test areas,
known to contain active fires were chosen for detailed study.
These test areas lay in north-western China, close to the city of
Urumgi, the capital of Xinjiang Autonomous Region.
From a first look at the data available, it was obvious that the
most clearly visible thermal anomalies were to be found in the
airborne thermal scanner data. These data were therefore
considered first, in contrast to the pattern of the intended final
detection scheme. The first question to decide upon was how to
define a temperature anomaly. Looking at the airborne data, there
were clearly defined areas which would instinctively be
considered as anomalously warm (see figure 2). It was decided to
use this as a working definition; in fact, it was found that the
pixels defined as being anomalous in this way closely matched
the hottest 0.1% of pixels for all the airborne scenes.
The next problem was how to determine which of the thermal
anomalies really were caused by coal fires. From fieldwork
carried out in 1994, it was known that there were four possible
causes of temperature anomalies within the study areas. These
were: coal fires, solar heating of the ground, abnormal geothermal
fluxes and human activities. The effect of abnormal geothermal
fluxes was known to be very small and could therefore be
neglected. Heat sources such as power stations and steel works
have well-known positions. That left solar heating of the ground
as the most likely source of temperature anomalies that could be
confused with coal fires.
The positions of the thermal anomalies detected using the
airborne thermal data were compared with digitised geological
maps of the test areas. All thermal anomalies that lay within the
coal-bearing rock strata were considered to be caused by coal
fires. However, there were far fewer clearly visible thermal
anomalies in the day-time images than in the night-time images -
compare figure 3 with figure 2. The distribution of thermal
anomalies in the night-time data corresponded closely to the
positions of fires known from fieldwork. It was considered that it
was the (uneven) solar heating of the test area that made the day-
time data less suitable for detecting the coal fire thermal
The day-time TM imagery was also affected by solar heating.
Figures 4 and 5 are day- and night-time band 6 images,
respectively, of the Kelazha test area south-west of Urumqi. The
night-time image was acquired on 7th April 1995 and the day-
time image on 14th September 1994. Two anomalously warm
areas can be seen in the day-time image: the long white belt near
the top and the curved feature near the centre. The first anomaly
could not be detected in the night-time image and its appearance
in the day-time scene was assumed to be due to solar heating.
From its position and form, it was reasonable to think that the
other anomaly corresponded to the fire already detected in the
airborne imagery. Because of the lower spatial resolution of the
TM data, there is less detail visible in these images than in the
corresponding airborne images.
An attempt was made to remove some of the solar heating effects
by producing a relative solar illumination map of the Kelazha
area. This was done with the aid of a slope map, derived from a
digital elevation model, and calculations of the solar position at
the time of image acquisition. The solar illumination map (values
0-255) was subtracted from the original TM image. Figure 6
shows the result of adjusting the 7th April 1995 image in this
way. It can be seen that most of the thermal anomalies in the top
image are suppressed but that the others remain. The distribution
of thermal anomalies now corresponds more closely to that of the
night-time TM and night-time airborne images.
As yet, no coal fires have been detected using the AVHRR data
and we are now fairly sure that none will be. This is not
surprising given the low spatial resolution of these data. Work on
the ATSR images is in progress. The RESURS-01 data still have
to be acquired.
2.1 Soil Temperature Determination
The methods described so far can successfully locate many coal
fires approximately. In addition, successful fire-fighting needs as
much information as possible regarding the depth, temperature
and extent of the fires.
Several of the fire detection studies mentioned earlier in this paper
included descriptions of attempts to determine either the depth or
temperature of an underground fire. One of these quantities was
known, or estimated; the other was then calculated using some
form of heat conduction equation. With the exception of a study
of coal fires in the Jharia coalfield, India (Prakash et al., 1995),
no-one has successfully determined both the depth and
temperature of an underground fire from surface information
alone, and even in the Jharia study an estimate of the fire’s age
was needed. The second major part of this research concerns the
development of thermal models that will allow the depth,
temperature and size of underground fires to be determined using
only information obtainable at the surface.
It is well known that the temperature of an outdoor surface
depends on many factors: the time of day and of the year, the
weather conditions, slope, aspect, type of surface, etc. (Sabins,
1987). This means that the temperature of the ground above the
coal fires is not affected by the fires alone, as was clearly
demonstrated by the difficulty in detecting the fires using day-
time images. For this reason, it was thought that it would be
easier to begin the thermal modelling using data that were free of
these surface effects.
Close to the surface, soil temperatures follow an approximately
sinusoidal temperature curve on both a diurnal and an annual
cycle (Jury et al, 1991). The amplitude of these temperature
waves decreases with increasing depth until at a certain depth, the
variations cease. It is observed that the annual temperature
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996