Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

where a, b and r are as shown in fig. 1. T is the temperature at 
distance r from the centre, T, the temperature at distance a, and T, 
the temperature at distance b. 
Figure l. Basis of radial heat flow model 
These results can be used in the following way. Take one of the 
measured temperatures and assume it is ‘correct’: i.e., it would fit 
equations 2 and 3 exactly if all the other quantities were known. 
Then, for a range of values of fire temperature (at radius a), 
position and radius, calculate the implied temperature at the other 
grid points. (If the fire position is defined relative to one grid 
point the distances to all the other points follow.) The set of 
values of fire position, radius and temperature which produces the 
best match between calculated and measured temperatures is the 
solution to the problem. 
A FORTRAN program was written to perform these calculations. 
The following ‘space’ was searched for solutions in the case of 
fire 141 
X co-ordinate : -100 to 100 m with resolution 2m 
y co-ordinate : -100 to 100 m with resolution 2m 
z co-ordinate : -100 to 100 m with resolution 2m 
temperature: 750 to 2500 K with resolution 50 K 
fire radius: 2 to 30 m with resolution 2 m 
and for fire 143 solutions in the intervals 
X co-ordinate : -250 to 250 m with resolution 10 m 
y co-ordinate: -250 to 250 m with resolution 10 m 
z co-ordinate: -200 to 200 m with resolution 10 m 
temperature: 500 to 2500 K with resolution 100 K 
fire radius: 2 to 30 m with resolution 2 m 
The *top left" corner of the measurement grid was assigned the 
co-ordinates (0, 0, 0) in both cases. Positive z co-ordinates (above 
the level of the origin) were tried as solutions because of the hilly 
relief in the test areas. It would be quite possible to have an 
underground fire above the level of the measurement grid. 
2.5 Radial Model Results 
The results of applying this model were rather better for fire 141 
than for fire 143. The best solution found in the case of fire 141 
was for a fire with a temperature of 1050 K and radius 2 m 
centred at co-ordinates (22, 26, 0). The average difference 
between calculated and observed temperatures was then 7.65 K 
per grid point. The important point is that all the other ‘good’ 
solutions had very similar ‘co-ordinates’. No other region of 
solutions was found even with the quite fine intervals used. The 
solution was, therefore, well-defined. With a five-dimensional 
space to search, the intervals used were about the finest practical. 
The best solutions for fire 143 did not match the observed 
temperatures as closely; the best solution had an average error of 
11.84 K. The problem was that according to this solution, the 
temperatures at 30 cm would then be higher than those at 50 cm, 
the opposite of what was observed. It could be that the solar heat 
flux penetrated to greater depths at this test site because of a 
difference in soil properties and that this affected the results. 
The results for fire 141, which at first sight look encouraging, 
have to be carefully interpreted. What the solutions actually 
imply is that an object of a particular radius with a particular 
surface temperature would produce certain temperature patterns at 
the surface - in some cases very similar to the observed 
temperatures. This is not the same as saying that the fires 
definitely have these radii and temperatures even if the model is 
correct, because this model does not apply to the region in which 
the heat is generated. It might be possible to model the 
temperature distribution within this region if an ‘edge of fire’ 
temperature could be defined, but this is difficult. The main 
usefulness of the model, in fact, is in determining the fire position. 
Equation 2 could also be used to estimate the total heat flux form 
the fire if the thermal conductivity of the rocks were known. This 
could then be converted to a rate of coal burning, which is another 
thing we wish to know. 
The other main limitation of this model is that it can only really 
deal with situations of constant thermal conductivity. In the field, 
there could be many different rock types present between the fire 
and the area where temperature measurements are made. It would 
not be practical to apply analytical techniques in this situation. A 
numerical technique, such as the finite element method, is 
required for this. The ANSYS? finite element software has 
recently been acquired and is now being used for this purpose. 
A coal fire detection system based on Landsat-TM and airborne 
data, at least, seems feasible. The TM data can be used to detect 
larger fires and to map areas worthy of more detailed 
investigation using airborne data. Care has to be taken to remove 
solar heating effects from day-time data. It would be preferable to 
always use night-time ‘pre-dawn’ data for detection but these can 
be difficult to acquire, especially in the case of TM. 
The radial heat flow model could be useful for determining fire 
locations. It and the anticipated numerical model require further 
testing. This should be possible after a further field campaign this 
summer. It is planned then to repeat the soil temperature 
measurements at sites in Ningxia province and the data gathered 
will be used as inputs to the models. The difference is that, for 
the Ningxia fires, extensive borehole temperature data down to 
the fires exist; everything we want to model is in effect already 
known. The models’ usefulness will be assessed by comparing 
the new results with these temperature data. 
The other major piece of work still to be carried out is to find a 
way of ‘correcting’ the surface temperatures determined from the 
remote sensing data for the influence of the temperature variations 
described earlier. This would remove the need for sub-surface 
temperature measurements. The solar heating maps are not 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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