Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

Table 3. Results of geometric corrections checks 
SPOT-P 01-03-95 16 6.13 3.75 7.19 
SPOT-XS 17-05-95 15 5.00 4.10 6.47 
SPOT-XS 11-06-95 17 2.12 1.95 2.88 
AITO SPOT-XS 22-07-95 17 2.76 3.81 5.38 
LANDSAT 15-10-90 14 7.75 4.88 10.16 
LANDSAT 12-06-91 15 7.65 6.10 10.78 
LANDSAT 19-11-91 14 3.89 5.92 7.08 
; SPOT-P 04-04-95 16 3.07 2.72 4.10 
PYRG SPOT-XS 04-04-95 16 3.19 3.20 4.52 
SPOT-XS 26-05-95 16 3.29 4.02 5.19 
SPOT-XS 21-07-95 15 3.79 3.81 5.38 
Table 4. Parcel level 
- interpretation of land use impossible Ti 
- plot outside image sd2 
- plot outside control zone T3 Doubtful for technical reasons : 
- plot covered by clouds T4 take declared area and declared 
- plot without cartographic reference . T5 land-use 
- plot limit problem not solved on the image T6 
- declared to be less than 0.3 ha T7 
(Technical limit of remote sensing using satellite images) 
- area measured less than 0.3 ha A1  |take measured area 
- plot declared in more than one application |A2 
(A2 is only assigned where the total declared area exceeds p 
the total area of the plot) 
- declared as rotating set-aside but found to be A3 give zero value to disputed area 
another land-use 
- plot found to be ineligible in reference periods A4 
- declared as one crop group but found to be C1 assign the observed land-use, give zero 
another : value to disputed area 
- declared as one crop group but found to be C2 divide plot and apply previous rules to 
more than one measured area 
- land-use found as declared C3 take found area and land-use 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996

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