Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

infrared photos of each layer from a vertical position 
1.5m above the canopy, and the leaf area in the 
photo was scanned and calculated by a computer in 
the laboratory. 
(3) Number of leaves for each azimuthal direction : 
There is a specific azimuthal direction of leaves for 
each species, which is affects the canopy surface 
temperature. Distribution of plant leaves for 
azimuthal directions was measured on September 2, 
1993, and classified into one of eight different 45° 
intervals. Number of leaves for each azimuthal 
direction was determined for the mean value of 
each 10 plants. 
2.3.2 Comparisons of leaf temperature: 
(1) Difference of surface temperatures for the 
upper-most leaves : Surface temperatures for the 
upper-most leaves, that were artificially stretched to 
a horizontal orientation, for both crops were 
measured with the IR thermometer at the height of 
im above the crop. The measurements of 10 leaf 
temperatures for each crop were taken at one-hour 
intervals from 08:30 to 15:45 on August 16, 1993, 
while the weather was partly cloudy and partly 
clear. Both crops were planted close to each other, 
so soil water and meteorological factors such as air 
temperature, wind speed and solar radiation were 
approximately the same. 
(2) Difference of leaf temperatures for each 
azimuthal direction : On September 2, 1993 of a 
clear day, temperatures for sunlit and horizontal 
parts of leaves at eight azimuthal directions were 
measured with the IR thermometer at one-hour 
intervals from 08:30 to 15:45. The measurements 
were taken for sunlit and horizontal parts of leaves, 
that were located from the No.1 layer (the 
upper-most) to the No.4 layer within the corn 
canopy, and only the No.1 layer (the upper-most ) 
within the soybean canopy. The leaf temperatures 
of 10 plants were averaged for each azimuthal 
2.3.3 Comparisons of canopy temperature: Canopy 
temperatures for the corn field and the soybean 
field were measured with an [IR thermometer that 
was mounted 2m above the top of the vegetation 
and scanned over the canopies with a 45° viewing 
angle during measurement periods. Also, the 
temperature measurements of a horizontal reference 
plate (painted black) were used to correct readings 
of the IR thermometer for skyward longwave 
radiation (Wang et al., 1994). The following items 
were compared between the corn field and the 
soybean field. 
© Daily change of canopy temperature and &® 
Maximum canopy temperature. 
2.3.4 Measurements of other meteorological factors: The 
data of air temperature and solar radiation were 
obtained during measurement periods as Table 1 
by a thermocouple thermometer 1.5m above the 
ground and with a pyrheliometer. 
3. Results and discussion 
3.1 Comparison of canopy structures 
3.1.1 Distribution of fresh weight with height: 
Distributions of fresh weight within canopies of both 
corn and soybeans are given in Fig. 1. Corn canopy 
has a A-type structure in which there is much 
vegetation in the lower part of the canopy, but the 
soybean canopy has a V-type structure. 50% of 
the total fresh weight within the corn canopy was 
located in the lower one-third of the plant height, 
and 60% within the soybean canopy in the upper 
one-third. Similar results were reported by Shaw 
and Weber (1967) and Nakaseko and Gotoh 
(1984). These canopy characteristics affect canopy 
temperature in both fields. 
K. 396 
Sweet corn 
1 - 1 
40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 
(96) (96) 
Fig. 1 Distributions of fresh weight within 
canopies of both corn and soybeans. 
3.12 Distributions of leaf area facing skyward with 
height: Temperatures of leaves facing skyward 
within the canopy and soil surface temperature are 
sensed by an IR thermometer when measurements 
are taken from above the canopy, and the weighted 
mean temperature of leaves facing skyward and 
soil surface temperature is called the canopy 
temperature of canopy. Therefore, distribution of 
leaf area facing skyward within the canopy is 
important for canopy temperature measured by the 
IR thermometer. 
The ratio of leaf area facing skyward to the area 
of total vegetation cover above ground is shown in 
Fig. 2. The corn canopy has 41% of the leaf area 
facing skyward in the upper-most layer, and the 
soybean canopy has 72%. Up to the second layer, 
the ratio is 53% for the corn canopy and 96% for 
the soybean canopy. This is important for canopy 
temperature measured by IR thermometer, because 
leaf temperatures of lower parts within the canopy 
strongly influence the measured composite surface 
temperature of the corn canopy. On the other hand, 
only the upper-most part of leaf temperatures 
influences the measured canopy temperature for the 
soybean canopy. 
Transpiration from leaves of each layer is 
different because there are air temperature and 
vapor pressure profiles within canopies, that is, the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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