Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

between measured and modelled values at the gauging stations 
and the interpolation of these values in the 500 m grid system were 
added to the Wadden Model. This is the first step in correcting 
the Wadden model (table 3). 
Gauging Stations | Measured | Modelled | Correction 
Vlieland -79 -35 -44 
W. Terschelling -88 -43 -45 
Harlingen -100 -40 -60 
Kornwerderzand -108 -53 -55 
Oude Schild -29 +5 -34 
Den Oever -63 -32 -31 
Table 3. The example of correction of the Wadden Model 
based on gauging records (16-05-1993, in cm) 
A second correction was applied further to improve the model 
with respect to bottom drag which causes a water surface 
curvature over the flat areas. The knowledge about the water 
surface curvature was obtained through a measurement 
campaign carried out during 7-21 April 1994. During this 
campaign, 14 pressure loggers were placed along a transect of 
7 km in 500 m spacing over one of the large flats in the study 
area. The water levels were recorded during a 14-day full 
spring tidal cycle with time interval of 1 minute. This 
experiment gave us an insight into the curvature of the water 
surface at all stages of the tidal cycle. In general, the bottom 
drag over the flat causes a water surface gradient of 1:10.000 
during incoming tide. During outgoing tide the slope of the 
water surface declines gently towards the channel in an order 
of 12 cm over 3000 m, which is not as obvious as in incoming 
tide. The actual correction of this surface curvature is further 
adjusted according to the time in the tidal cycle and the 
distance towards the low tide line. A full description is given 
in the special ERSWAD report on this experiment (Wang et al. 
The corrections have been applied in zones of 500 m from the 
channel edges (low tide line: -110 cm) towards the central part 
of the flats. The DEM of the corrected water surface model 
was then densified to a 12.5 m grid size equal to the SAR pixel 
159000 160000 
575000 — + 
Figure 4. Water Line DEM of the Inter-tidal Area Using 
Water Line Procedure with Multiple ERS-1 
SAR Images (1993.3-1993.10) 
2.3 Evaluation of the accuracy of the water line method. 
The delineated water lines from the SAR image was combined 
with the corrected water surface model at the time of image 
acquisition in order to extract the height value of the pixels 
along the water lines. 
As an example, the evaluation of this mapping method was 
done for the SAR image acquired on 09-08-1992. The height 
values of the water lines delineated after the Global 
Classification Filtering were compared with the bathymetric 
DEM. This DEM was constructed by interpolation of ship- 
borne echo sounding data surveyed in the Vakloding Program 
conducted in 1992-1993 by Rijkswaterstaat. The TIN method 
(Triangulated Irregular Network) in Arc/Info software was 
applied followed by the bi-linear interpolation of the 
intermediate points between two survey lines which can 
improve the interpolation. The comparison between water line 
height and the bathymetric DEM shows an average of -0.38 cm 
of differences. Seventy-one percent of total pixels along the water 
line are within + 30 cm (acceptable errors) which is very good. 
The merging of the 9 water line data derived from the SAR 
images from 1993 with the Corrected Wadden Models (CWM) 
at the time of each image acquisition gave the height values for 
multiple water lines from different images. 
On the flats, a higher density of height points are found at 
places where the topographic variation are more apparent. This 
distribution of height points can be trusted more and will be 
more useful than a ground survey with a large line spacing, in 
which the minor depressions and gullies may be easily missed. 
Of course no values are available in the channels lower than 
the low tide line. 
The interpolation was run on the basis of TIN module in 
Arc/Info, the same procedure as that used for the bathymetric 
DEM creation. The resulting Water Line Digital Elevation 
Model (WALDEM) is shown in figure 4. 
130000 140000 150000 160000 
800000 i 
Terschelling etevaf 
- evation 
BEREaRaRt as on: pus ui os suaR BRR BREST 
581250 — 
Figure 5. Bathymetric DEM of the western Dutch Wadden 
Sea using sounding data by Rijkswaterstaat 
from 1992-1993. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996

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