Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

cases the vegetation states obviously depend only upon 
annual variations. 
Due to the annual variations of temperature multitempo- 
ral analysis of thermal data can only be made by means 
of temperature differences. For this purpose the radiation 
signals measured by the TIR scanner were first transfor- 
med into temperatures values (brightness temperature of 
the black body) and then referenced to an average valu- 
ewhich is valid during the acquisition time. The relative 
difference to this average mean value was classified into 
six categories (Fig. 8a,b). The results of the thermal data 
analyses can be compared with the vitality features and 
give additional indications to the plant state. As a rule 
one can conclude that, the cooler a vegetation covered 
area is compared to its surroundings, the more dense 
and more vital it is. Concerning the alfalfa fields the diffe- 
rent soil treatment measures have also to be considered. 
Based on the analysis of statistical distribution parame- 
ters, e.g. Pearson's coefficient of variation, conclusions 
on the homogenous development of the primary seeded 
areas can be derived. To this end both the variances of 
the vitality features, referred to the corresponding area, 
and the variances of the thermal and SAR data were 
computed. Areas 9,10,11 and 14 turned out to be espe- 
cially inhomogenous. Corresponding fieldwork confirmed 
that just those areas suffered indeed from greater zones 
of deficiency or, in case of the pine reforestations, where 
sea buckthorn and robinia settled. 
The SAR signatures shown in the plot for 1994 represent 
mean values per area of the relative backscatter coeffi- 
cients which were obtained by the airborne SAR 
TRAVERS during the PRIRODA aircraft campaign 1994 
(Marek et al., 1994). The SAR sensor operates at a wave- 
length of 10cm (S-band). From an alitude of 6000m it 
takes a swath width of 20km realizing a spatial resolution 
of approximately 20m by 20m. Unlike the thermal data 
the measured backscatter coefficients show only a slight 
correlation to the vitality coefficients. A strong relations- 
hip however is manifested to geometric plant features like 
plant growth height. For example, area 4 with weak 
mn 0-1 em1-2 292-3 e223-4 4-5 
Bezug Gau&-Kruger. 
Ellipsoid Bessel 
Fig. 9: Unsupervised classification of radar signatures of 
the recultivated areas of the Welzow-Süd dump 
backscattering was covered by plants with high vitality 
values but with plant heights of only 6-10cm. On the 
other hand, area 1 and 2 showed plants reaching heights 
of 40 to 50cm. The same is valid for the reforested areas. 
The highest backscatter values can be found on older 
trees with heights of 3m and more. Therefore a good 
discrimination is given for the unvegetated areas, which 
have been assigned to class 0-1 with lowest backscatter 
values. Based on that, additional conclusions, which 
have been independently derived compared to those 
ones on the vitality in the VIS region, can be drawn to 
describe the development of vegetation during the recul- 
tivation process. As a final step these results are 
transformed into a GIS where complex analysis with data 
from other sources can be made. 
Based on the presented complex analyses of remotely 
sensed data acquired at different times, monitoring tasks 
in ecological impact regions, like post mining landsca- 
pes, can be performed. The normalization of data and 
separation of the required information from other distur- 
bing influences has turned out to be a basic problem. 
This can be overcome only by the use of multisensor 
data containing all wavelength regions which are 
available to remote sensing and by integration of ground 
truth based auxillary information. 
The work presented here have been partially sponsored 
by the German Space Administration (DARA) and the 
Federal Ministry for Education, Science, Research and 
Technology (BMBF). 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996

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