Yoshiki YAMAGATA, Yoshifumi YASUOKA
National Institute for Environmental Studies
16-2 Onogawa Tsukuba Ibaraki JAPAN
Commission V, Working Group 5
XVIII ISPRS Congress Vienna, 9-19 July 1996
KEY WORDS: Unmixing, Wetland Vegetation, Hyperspectral , Subspace Method
A new approach to unmixing with subspace methods is proposed and an experiment using hyperspectral
images was conducted. In subspace method, unmixing is calculated as the projection of each unknown
pixel vector on the subspace of each class. This method is more stable than conventional methods against
noise in the data and works effectively as a feature extraction and data reduction procedure as well. The
performance of this method was tested by an unmixing experiment using a hyperspectral airborne CASI
image acquired over the Kushiro wetland in NE Japan. Unmixing for the 7 wetland vegetation classes
were calculated using a least squares, quadratic programming, orthogonal subspace projection and the
subspace method. Finally, the results of unmixing experiment were evaluated in regard to wetland
vegetation monitoring.
environmental monitoring (Kramer, 19923.
1. INTRODUCTION Hyperspectral imaging is recognized as an
effective means for estimating vegetation
In wetland landscape, various vegetation types parameters (Gong et.al., 1994).
are continuously distributed. Remotely sensed To unmix the very large number of channels in
spectral data over wetland areas are spectral ^ hyperspectral imagery, it is necessary to establish
mixtures of several vegetation types. These an algorithm which can unmix several vegetation
images consist of mixed pixels (Mixel) which have types in a fast and stable manner. A number of
to be analyzed using spectral unmixing unmixing methods designed for band selection,
procedures to estimate the state of each of the feature extraction and dimension reduction which
constituents (Settle and Drake, 1993). incorporate modern signal processing and neural
Conventional statistical unmixing methods such network methodologies, have been explored
as least squares use a linear mixel model. In this recently (Harsanyi and Chang, 1994;
model, the mixed spectral vector is assumed to be — Benediktsson et. al., 1995).
a sum of class spectral vectors which constitute the Unmixing by the subspace method (Oja, 1984)
mixel. By solving this linear mixel model with the ^ utilized in this paper is a new approach, based on a
pre-determined class vector, an estimate of the fundamentally different principle from
fractional area of each class within the pixel. conventional methods. The subspace method
However, the computational complexity ^ assigns a different subspace to each vegetation
increases substantially as the number of image class instead of fitting a mixel model in a pre-
channels increases and the least squares solution determined number of spectral dimensions.
becomes unstable due to the high auto-correlation Unmixing is then performed by measuring the
between the channels. It is necessary to reduce the projection length of mixel vector. In addition,
spectral dimension dimensions of the problem asa subspace method unifies the process of feature
preprocessing of unmixing (Malinowski, 1991). extraction and unmixing, which are usually
Hyperspectral sensors are a recent development ^ separate processes in conventional methods.
in remote sensing and have been used for In this paper, the principle of the new unmixing
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996