simple inner product calculation which is
suitable for parallel processing.
A new approach to the unmixing problem by
the subspace method is proposed and applied to
wetland vegetation using hyperspectral imagery.
Unmixing by the subspace method is superior to
conventional methods in numerical stability and
computation speed for hyper spectral imagery.
The results of the unmixing experiment showed
unmixing by subspace is spatially accurate
except for the classes that are spectrally very
similar. In the near future, the number of
sensor channels and the size of image area will
rapidly increase. The fast and stable unmixing
algorithm based on the subspace method will be
most useful for such data. Further, we need to
improve the separability between the spectrally
very similar classes by developing the present
For the acquisition of airborne data and survey
of vegetation investigation, I would like to thank
Mr. Oguma of NASDA. This analysis was
conducted in the project entitled “Global
wetland mapping using remotely sensed data”
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996