Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

a) Radiometric pre-processing. In a multitemporal 
investigation, the first step concerns the different image 
radiometric calibration. This calibration has been 
performed by equalising the June illuminating conditions 
to those of April, subtracting a linearly increasing digital 
number (Dn) variable value to the June image. The 
variation curve 
(Ax — XJun — X Apr = Jon = OX jun + b) (1) 
has been determined by means of a linear regression 
that was calculated by taking into account non time- 
variable features radiometric values (in this example, 
these features are large industrial buildings roofs in Alba 
surroundings). The features’ DN differences is only 
related to different illuminating conditions, thus, the 
difference can be used to equalise the whole image set. 
The Dns recorded in correspondence to different 
features, show a linear dependence between the Dns 
variation and the Dns recorded in the reference image 
(for example the June image). The calculated regression 
curve and the correlation coefficient is shown in Tab. 3. 
Calculated function Yz0.8659X - 15.923 
Correlation index 
R2 - 0.9989 
Table 3 - Calculated regression curve and correlation 
coefficient (R) 
b) Geometric pre-processing. This step only concerns 
the absolute georeferencing of one image and the relative 
image to image geometric fitting: An accuracy of less 
than half the geometric ground resolution (accuracy « 5 
m in the case of Spot 2 PAN image) has been obtained, 
allowing a good multitemporal overlapping. 
c) Image classification. This step derives from the 
assumption (verified by field evidence) that flooded areas 
appear in brighter grayscale tones on the image, because 
of the presence of mud and sand carried by the rivers. 
Thus, extracting a radiometric range (a pseudo-spectral 
signature in Spot-2 PAN images), it is possible to classify 
the whole data set, subtracting the April image from the 
classified June image in order to eliminate features that 
are not directly linked to the flood event. 
d) Generation of a clivometric model. A clivometric 
model has been generated from the DEM acquired for the 
Piedmont regional technical map (scale 1:10.000), 
resampled to a 10x10 m grid. This model has been used 
to define the hydrographic basins, and thus to eliminate 
any noise from the features (landslide, mud areas. etc.) 
not directly related to the flooded areas. 
e) Photogrammetric coverage comparison. 
Stereoscopic models derived from the panchromatic 
photogrammetric coverage acquired in the days following 
the flood event has been analysed in order to plot the 
flooded areas; this vector plot has permitted one to 
compare the classification results and to calibrate the 
radiometric range extracted. 
f) Final image generation. By forcing all the features 
classified as not-flooded areas to a null value, a new 
synthetic image has been generated, and it is shown in 
fig. 4. 
Following the November 1994 flood in the southern part 
of Piedmont (in particular in the Langhe hilly region), 
several landslides (debris flows and slides) occurred. The 
aim of the study is thus, to locate and classify the above 
mentioned phenomena, using remotely sensed data. 
Figure 4 - The flooded areas extracted by Spot-2 
panchromatic data sets 
Images acquired from satellite platforms present several 
advantages, taking both the landslides regional scale and 
the efforts that should be accomplished in the case of an 
in-situ analysis into account. 
As mentioned and shown in fig. 1, the new methodology 
has been implemented in a training area, using the data 
described in § 4. 
A flow chart showing the different steps of the analysis is 
presented in Fig. 5. 
First method Second method 
Classification Featu re 
Slope Slope 
range range 
Dipping Dipping 
range range 
| : 
| image 
Figure 5 - Landslide assessment flow chart 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 
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