Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

Prof. N. Hudson, Hunting, England. for his 
discussions on soil erosion mechanisms. 
Miss R. Dennis, Hunting, England, for her work 
on ERDAS. 
Mr. T. Iles and Mr. T. Richards, Hunting, 
England, for their work on airphoto and satellite 
data incorporation. 
Mr. Hu Jian and Mr. Zhen Liangxiu, Chengdu 
Remote Sensing Subcenter for Agriculture, for 
their contributions on field data collection, and 
manual editing of factor maps. 
Mr. Jiang Penglai, Liangshan Bureau of 
Agriculture, for his very beneficial discussions on 
soil erosion characteristics in the research area. 
Professor Lin Pei, Beijing University of 
Agriculture, for his guidance at project design. 
Mr. Yang Yansheng, Mr. Shi Deming, Mr. Pu 
Zhaohong, Mr. Xu Binbin, China Institue of Soil 
Research, Nanjing, for their guidance at project 
design and field work methods. 
l. The Northwest Institute of China Academy 
of Science: “Comprehensive Report for Water and 
Soil Conservation in Yangtze River Reaches”, 
Shaanxi Press of Science, Xi’an,1986. 
2. Sichuan Hydro-Power Bureau Office for 
Soil and Water Conservation: “Comprehensive 
Report for Soil Erosion Survey via Remote 
Sensing in Sichuan Province”, Sichuan Hydro- 
Power Bureau, Chengdu, 1988. 
3. Tang Keli : "Soil Erosion Researches and 
Prospective", China Soil Utilization and 
Fertilization, China Soil Association, 
4. China Hydro-Power Ministry Remote 
sensing Center: “National Soil Erosion Mapping 
Operational Rules Using Satellite Remote Sensing 
Technology”, China Hydro-Power Ministry Press, 
Beijing, 1984. 
5. M. J. Kerkby and P. C. Morgan: “Soil 
Erosion”, China Hydro-Power Ministry Press. 
Beijing, 1987. 
6.  Liangshan State Zoning Committee for 
Agriculture: "Liangshan State Water and Soil 
Loss", Liangshan State Government, 
7T. Song Daquan: “Manual of Soil Survey”, 
Science Press, Beijing,1953. 
8. Tian Xinyuan: “Sichuan Soil and Water 
Conservation”, Achives of Sichuan Association 
for Soil and Water Conservation, Chengdu, 1990. 
9. — Xia Fuchuan: "Soil and Water Loss Survey 
in the Upper Yongding River Reaches via MSS 
Date", Archives of National Conference for 
Remote Sensing III, Beijing,1983. 
10. Xin Wen: "Sichuan County Economics for 
Fourty Years", Sichuan Press of Science, 
11. Pu Zhaohong: Experiments for Soil and 
Water Loss Mapping Using Satellite Imagery”, 
Bulletin of Pedology, Nanjing, 1984. 
12. Xiong Yi and Li Qinkui: “China Soil” 
(Second Edition), Science Press, Beijing,1990. 
13. Lin Shan: “Experiment of Universal Soil 
Loss Equation in Mentogou Valley”, Beijing 
University of Agriculture, 1985. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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