Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

RR BEI la Re ST ata 
Tables 2 and 3 present the relative variance of the classified 
images (original and corrected) with various values for the 
confidence radius (R = 0.100, 0.125, 0.150, 0.175, 0.200). This 
is the principal input parameter of the classification method 
R Cl. Relative Variance 
TM2 T™3 | TM4 | TMS | General 
0.100 | 20 70.8 765) 57.3 91.1 64.7 
0.125 } 10 55.3 56.0 9.0 77.8 48.3 
0.150 9 54.8 55.1 9.0 75.7 47.3 
0.175 7 30.3 50.6 8.3 69.0 43.0 
0.200 6 45.6 47.8 8.1 69.0 42.5 
Table 2 - Original image 
R CI. Relative Variance 
TM2 T™3 | TM4 | TMS | General 
0.100 | 39 79.1 84.6 | 82.7 89.1 70.2 
0.125 | 21 74.3 78.4 | 67.2 85.2 64.0 
0.150 | 19 75.1 80.3 | 67.0 84.3 64.1 
0.175 | 14 70.7 76.1 59.0 77.9 58.6 
0.200| 11 64.6 64.3 9.8 75.1 44.4 
Table 3 - Corrected image 
We have always more classes in the corrected image than in 
the original image. The relative variance is always greater in 
the second case, mainly for the band TMA that is very 
important to the distinction of vegetal surfaces. The visual 
analysis confirms the better classification of the corrected 
image mainly for the vegetal surfaces that is our main interest. 
This paper has done a general presentation of our work on 
atmospheric correction of satellite images in a tropical region. 
One of the principal characteristics that can be seen in this 
description is the work on various phases like the collecting of 
input data, the processing of the image with a software 
developed by us and the evaluation of the importance of the 
atmospheric correction in our situation. 
The influence of the atmospheric effects in two typical 
applications of the satellite images as showed in the section 4 
illustrates the importance of the work that has increased after 
the acquisition of a Noaa-AVHRR antenna on December 1994. 
The necessity to have good input data justifies the work on 
acquisition of atmospheric parameters. It is very important also 
to have a software developed according to our conditions of 
data, applications and processing, mainly considering the low 
disposability of such kind of systems around the world. 
It is important to emphasize that this work is inside a research 
program of the Campinas State University (UNICAMD) about 
the application of satellite images in the agriculture. The 
European Unit, EMBRAPA and CNPQ support this program. 
The author thanks all people from Campinas State University 
(mainly — Dr.P.C.Bezerra, Dr.H.S.Pinto, Msc.E.Hamada, 
Msc.G.Q.Pellegrino, MSc.C.A.S.Almeida) and INRA (mainly 
Dr.G.Guyot, Dr.B.Seguin and Dr.X.F.Gu) for all help received 
during these years of work. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996

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