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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-5/W2, 2013
XXIV International CIPA Symposium, 2 — 6 September 2013, Strasbourg, France
T. C. Wv**, Y.C. Lin®, M. F. Hsu', N. W. Zheng^, W. L. Chen?
* Department of Civil and Engineering Management, National Quemoy University, 1, University Rd., Jinning
Township, Kinmen, Taiwan ; + 886-82-313518 ;
E-mail : tsung_chiang@nqu.edu.tw
? Assistant researcher, College of Planning and Design, National Cheng Kung University, 1, University Rd., Tainan
Taiwan ; + 886-6-2757575 ;
E-mail : hsiao_na@hotmail.com
* Professor, Department of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan;
E-mail : minfu@ncku.edu.com
KEY WORDS: historic building information modeling, construction records, 3D laser scanning technology, 3DGIS
In addition to the repair construction project following the repair principles contemplated by heritage experts, the construction
process should be recorded and measured at any time for monitoring to ensure the quality of repair. The conventional construction
record methods mostly depend on the localized shooting of 2D digital images coupled with text and table for illustration to achieve
the purpose of monitoring. Such methods cannot fully and comprehensively record the 3D spatial relationships in the real world.
Therefore, the construction records of traditional buildings are very important but cannot function due to technical limitations. This
study applied the 3D laser scanning technology to establish a 3D point cloud model for the repair construction of historical
buildings. It also broke down the detailed components of the 3D point cloud model by using the concept of the historic building
information modeling, and established the 3D models of various components and their attribute data in the 3DGIS platform database.
In the construction process, according to the time of completion of each stage as developed on the construction project, this study
conducted the 3D laser scanning and database establishment for each stage, also applied 3DGIS spatial information and attribute
information comparison and analysis to propose the analysis of differences in completion of various stages for improving the
traditional building repair construction quality. This method helps to improve the quality of repair construction work of tangible
cultural assets of the world. The established 3DGIS platform can be used as a power tool for subsequent management and
1. INTRODUCTION the construction quality. Meanwhile, the comprehensive 3D
digitalized records have potentials and values for data storage
In Taiwan, the process of historic building restoration is and future management applications.
recorded in the construction records, covering working BIM is the integrated 3D database on the basis of 2D
procedures, materials, and methods. Those recorded also ensure architectural drawings of the building. Through the conflict
the construction quality meeting the design requirements. In analysis on the 3D data established according to the drawings,
practice, the construction records have only slight influence on the reasonable architectural design can be developed for the
guaranteeing the construction quality because the 3D (three- planning and control during the construction process. However,
dimensional) spatial information of the building before, during, as to historic buildings, the main difference in the establishment
and after restoration is replaced to make comparative analysis of the 3D database by applying the BIM concept is that the
impossible. The feasible solution to this problem is proposed building should be digitalized first to obtain BIM in a “reverse”
after the popularization of 3D laser scanning technology and the way. The 3D building database established in this way is known
application of BIM (Building Information Modeling) concept. as HBIM (Historical Building Information Modeling). Since the
The 3D laser scanning technology can obtain the 3D purpose of this study is to improve the traditional construction
coordinates and color information of high density and super- record model of historic buildings, 3D laser scanning
high accuracy of the building facade. It provides an important technology is applied in the relevant 3D building model to
tool to preserve the conditions of the building at different stages develop the 3D point cloud model. The attribute descriptions of
of the construction process. The concept of BIM is applied to relevant component models are obtained by the investigation
decompose the 3D digital components of the historical building, ^^ and research procedures of traditional buildings (Murphy et al,
and attributes data are assigned to various components, thus 2011). Among the various methods to acquire the BIM and
obtaining the cross-analysis results of spatial information and HBIM 3D digital models, this study uses 3D GIS platform
attribute data. The proposed model can enhance the capabilities ^ (ArcScene) as the database system for the historic building 3D
of the construction records of traditional buildings to monitor model as well as its corresponding drawings, attribute