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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-5/W2, 2013
XXIV International CIPA Symposium, 2 — 6 September 2013, Strasbourg, France
preferred and the numbers of photographs were increased. For
northern and eastern façades, the focal length was relatively
larger (Figure 7).
Since the shooting distance was shorter inside (1 — 2m), it was
necessary to paste more markers.
Figure 4. Schemes illustrating camera positions for partial
photos ; X
In addition to these partial photographs, overall photographs m
were shot across the four corners of the bath, both from street 0
and from second story of the neighboring building (Figure 5), if ï
possible. For the interior, photos from the corners of the spaces, ; É
with and without ladder were provided. VE
Figure 7. Placement of cameras for the exterior surfaces of the
2.2 Calibration
Figure 5. Scheme illustrating camera positions for overall
photos As the first step of the laboratory work, the shot photos were
analyzed and the best two for each partial surface were selected
The partial photograph of the neighboring building surface in terms of photo quality and shooting angle variation. So,
piece always slightly overlapped with the previous one. The optimum numbers of photographs were selected and loaded to
marker patterns were pasted to the facades and domes of Tgi3d SU Photoscan version v.1.27.9 one by one starting with
building by using glazier's putty. In the positioning of the the photographs of the exterior wall surfaces in
markers, which would act like control points in the evaluation counterclockwise order and exterior surfaces of superstructure
phase; a gridal order was preferred in the facades. A elements. After completing loading the partial photos of a
homogeneous network of markers was also achieved on the building element such as a wall or a dome, its overall photo was
domes. In each photo, eight control points were provided. For added to the system. Interior photographs were evaluated in a
subsequent photos, minimum calibrated number of control different file.
points is three (Figure 6). But for an exact calibration; more
than three control points should be viewed in a frame. The photographs were linked to each other with maximum 8
and minimum 3 calibration points, which were identified with
I -- m m PU m ee iU paper targets. Minimization of calibration points was considered
: i in case of short shooting distances. 2 pixels error is taken as
i el | equivalent to 2 cm error. Maximum 2 pixels error was accepted
8 i in the calibrations considering the fact that human eye will have
Ë El Is Ë F difficulty in detecting errors less than half of a millimeter in the
i ! Í i presentations (20mm/50= 0.4mm).
Target Building surface After the photogrammetric model composed of the 3d point
Figure 6. Paper target (a), organization of targets in succeeding cloud of the calibrated points was scaled by entering a single
partial photos value measured at the site, it was exported to Trimble Sketch-up
version 8 together with the related photographs (Figure 8).
The maximum shooting distance for 1 / 50 presentations was
calculated according to the below formula in relation with the
constraints on each street and on the roof.
Negative scale of 1/50 = 1 / 200 = Focal Length / Distance
Distance = 200 x Focal Length (Swallow, et al., 2004)
Since the shooting distances for southern and western façades
are limited (max. 1.5 m and 2 m, respectively) because of the
neighboring houses, smaller focal lengths (wide angles) were