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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-5/W2, 2013
XXIV International CIPA Symposium, 2 — 6 September 2013, Strasbourg, France
Systematic shooting of dome surfaces could not be made
especially at their top zones because it was impossible to stand
up in an appropriate position. In turn, the geometry and/or the
surface texture were documented partially. The model was
completed with comparative study within the building. That is
to say, the documented piece was copied to the undocumented
parts of the dome (Figure 12). These areas were indicated with
beige color and dots on the presentation model. The areas with
correct geometry, but insufficient texture quality were
differentiated with beige render without dots. Utilization of an
unmanned aerial vehicle for shooting in these zones may be
Figure 12. Eastern elevation
In case of limited illumination, as in the interior of the bath, the
model could not be completed (Figure 13). So, the photographs
should be repeated after provision of an artificial illumination
Figure 13. //iklik / sicaklik, perspective view from the model.
In case of lack of targets, the exterior surfaces of majority of the
walls could be modeled, but the wall on the narrow street at the
south and the superstructure could not be modeled (Figure 14).
Figure 14. Modeling without targets
From the view point of time consumption, site work of the
documentation was completed in a short time, but the laboratory
work requires long working hours (Table 1). As the duration of
each experiment reveals, evaluation time decreases as the
operator gets experienced.
~1 ~20 ~25 ~1.5 ~21 ~42
workday | workdays | workdays | workdays | workdays | workdays
~0.5 ~3 ~21 ~1 ~21 ~30
workday | workdays | workdays | workday | workdays | workdays
~10 ~ 61
workdays | workdays
1 - 10 — 14 " ~10 ~20
workday | workdays | workdays workdays | workdays
~0,5 ~3 -7
workday | workdays | workdays
Table 1. Work duration
Study the structure of the bath, which is necessary for modeling
site in detail in a comprehensive manner all the photos were
taken. The captured images sequentially one at a time and then
mapping the digital environment carried out the calibration
process. 3D pictures 3D environment Tgi transferred calibrated
with the help of plug-in Sketch Up program exteriors and
interiors combined with modeled separately. Study the structure
of the baths U/lamis Tgi sketch Up calibration and 3D modeling
program with the principles of SU Photoscan determined as
Figure 15. Northern elevation
Figure 16. Above: Southern Elevation; Below: Northern