Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Economic Development

(d) computer ima ge processing techniques and strategies; 
(e) the application of image enhancement and transforma tion techniques. 
5.2 Developing Countries should engage in extensive and intensive research activities involving, 
for instance, the establishment of spectral response of local terrain features and ensure | 2 
optimu m utilisation of remotae sensing techniques. 
5.3 In order to reduce duplication of efforts (1) and benefit from cost-sharing effects, Developing | 3 
Countries should go into bilateral and regional co-operation in ah effort to establish and utili- 
se remote sensing facilities. 
5,4 Developing Countries should acquire Aerial Survey Outfits so as to ensure ability to obtain 
aerial photographs of their territories when needed at a minimal cost, with least foreign 
currency component and taking advantage of any available good weather conditions. In this 5 
way, the usual delays in executing development projects, which arise from the often-prolon- 
ged process of contractual arrangements, will be reduced. 
5.5 After making the necessary investigations to determine prospects of continuity and compati- 6 
bility of existing, or immediate future, Satellites with other existing Satellite Systems both in : 
data reception and processing, Developing Countries should establish appropriate Ground | 
Receiving and Processing Stations | j 
5.6 Developing Countries should improve on their national communication networks with a view | | 
to streamlining the dissemination process for data and information derived from rernote sen- | 8 
sing applications so as to ensure prompt supply of data to the User Communities. In addition, | B . 
they should diversify, strengthen and intensify any existing contacts with the appropriate 
Scientific and intensify any existing. contacts with the appropriate Scientific Communities 
of Industrialised Nations operating Remote Sensing Systems both on bilateral and multilate- £ 9 
ral bases. Where no such contacts currently exist, they should be promptly established. i T : 
5.7  Industrialised Nations operating Remote Sensing Systems should endeavour to consult Deve 
loping Countries at the planning and design stages of the development of their Systems in the 
spirit of technical co-operation and bilateral technical assistance so ás to consider, and possib- 
ly include, ‘their requirements. This will result in more effective applications of the subse- 
quent remote sensing products and facilitate future adoption of remote sensing approaches 
by Developing Countries. 
5,8 As much as possible, the Operators of Remote Sensing Systems should make their products 
available to Developing Countries at subsidised costs. 
5.9 Developing Countries should develop the willingness to finance new ideas, as the current 
attitude of funding mainly familiar and physically appreciated projects with quick returns 
has serious repercussions on general development. 
5.10 Developing Countries must shift from seeing development only in terms of economic growth 
and begin to view it correctly as a very complex network involving all spheres of life. It is 
only then that the appropriate Authorities would allow room, under prevailing critical eco- 
nomic circumstances, for appreciable investments in science and technology, with remote 
sensing.techniques claiming their quota. 
5.11 Each Developing Country should have a national policy on remote sensing applications, 
which should convey a precise commitment to maximise the benefits therefrom. | 

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