Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Economic Development

Individualized Training Packages are particularly well adapted for operator/technician train- 
ing but can easily be used for other professional levels. In particular, a training package for opera- 
tors/technicians can be used to prepare trainees for entering higher courses or as basic elements 
of higher education. Indeed, the training in practical skills required for an operator/technician to 
carry out his daily work is also partly necessary for the engineers and others who will have to 
superv isa his work. 
Preparation of an Individualized Training Package is the task of a specialized institute (such as 
ITC). In the development phase, it must analyze systematically the occupational area selected, 
define the necessary learning content to make the package universally applicable, and prepare 
and produce all necessary learning materials, aids and equipment to enable the trainees to learn 
the job. It is also its task to revise the content, material and structure to adapt the package to 
specific needs and the state-of-the-art. This is done in cooperation and in regular contact with 
mapping organizations and/or cther educational institutions. The development phase is described 
below in more detail. 
After a job or occupational area has been selected (e.g, photogrammetric map making at 
operator level), this job is analyzed to identify its components, This phase includes the determi- 
nation of job standards and specifications from which training standards and specifications can 
be established. Furthermore, it also includes- through analysis of what is actually done-the identi- 
fication of tasks, sub-tasks, variable factors, and knowledge and skills required in each sub- task. 
The identified tasks are then grouped to form “modular units” which are a logical and accep- 
table division of work showing a clear start and end of an activity which is not further subdivi 
ded (e.g, relative orientation on analogue instruments). Depending on the "size" of the occupa- 
tional area, modular units can be grouped into basic tasks ("fields of work'') which are clearly 
defined branches ofthe job )e.g., graphical stersoplotting on analogue instruments; see Figure 1). 
FIGURE | Overall structure of an individualized training pack age 

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