Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Economic Development

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In improving the food situation and rehabilitatin 
sound policies on land utilization and management, co 
tion creeping at approximately 7— 
the foundation for food self-succif 
g development of agriculture in Africa, 
ntrol of drought and arrest of desertifica- 
10 km per annum are some of the measures to be taken to lay 
icency in Africa. As most of the member States lack the nece 
.4^Y geographical information to pursue these measures, up-to-date thematic maps for soils 
iCation, assessment of food crop yields etc, aerial photographs and satellite imageries can 
provide information through visual interpretation for immediate use. Rapid topographical map- 
ping within tne limitation of satellite imageries can be undertaken where they do not exist for 
the formulation and implementation of national and regional projects. Establishment of early 
warning units at national, sub-regional and regional levels will require inputs from photogramme- 
try and remote sensing through supplies of retrieved relevant information of digitized data on 
climatic situation, weather forecasts and precipitation, all of which go towards finding solutions 
to measures for accelerated implementation of the Strategies enunciated in the Lagos Plan of 
Action and the Final Act of Lagos. Although not too obvious to many, up-to-date topographical 
maps help in the selection of the best routes for highways, dam sites and harbours As regards 
industrial sites, minerals prospecting and exploitation, environmental monitoring and control 
of pollution, factors which can affect development of agriculture, meaningful studies can be 
undertaken by using information obtained from aerial photographs and satellite imageries. The 
repetitive nature of the satellites over the same area makes the imageries ideal for monitor ing 
purposes, As you are no doubt aware major problems confronting Africa in the field of natural 
resource development include, among others, lack of information on the natural endowment 
of large and unexplored areas, inadequate capital, skills and technology to exploit and develop 
those resources, considerable dependence on foreign transnational corporations for the develop- 
ment of a narrow range of those resources selected by them to supply new material needs of the 
developed countries, and extremely low level of development and utilisation of those natural 
resources of no interest to the foreign transnational corporations, It goes without saying, there- 
fore, that a lot of inputs is expected from photogrammetry and remote sensing. as technological 
tools for resources development, management and utilisation as well as for the right decision 
making. In terse and vivid language the inputs from the combined disciplines are pier less treasures 
for successful implementation of APPER, (UN-PAAERD) and LPA and the FAL. 
In concluding this address, | would be shying away from my responsibilities as the Chief 
Executive of the Economic Commission for Africa whose task is to promote the accelerated 
social and economic development of Africa, if | fail to draw attention to a few, among the pro- 
grammes, which should be developed at national, sub-regional and regional levels in photogram- 
metry and remote sensing in the short and long-term periods for the implementation of the va- 
rious approved programmes for Africa's economic recovery and development. 
At national level, notwithstanding the current crisis that bedevils their economies, all member 
States should accord premium to the development of their surveying and mapping institutions 
by supporting them: financially to enable them make substiantial contributions in their areas of 
competence. Where such institutions do notat present exist or are under-developed, efforts should 
be made to establish and equip them in order to be able to respond to the cartographic and 
remote sensing needs of the member States concerned for their economic development irrespec- 
tive of the financial difficulties they may be currently facing. The establishment of data banks 
and early warning units at national level should be given a serious consideration because of the 
dividend they will yield in providing vital information for crop yield forecasting, control of 
drought and desertification (where applicable) and environmental monitoring to forestall natural 
hazards, such as landslides, earthquakes, cyclones in the Indian Ocean and floods. There should 
be exchange of technical information and sharing of facilities not only among the member States’ 
institutions but also with relevant international organizations and institutions. For the satisfac 
tory implementation of the various projects under APPER, UN-PAAERD, LPA and FAL, the 
sub-regional centres in surveying, mapping and remote sensing must function effectively as: 
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