Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Economic Development

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(a) focal points for co-ordinating the activities of the early warning uniis as repositories of 
information and data at that level for subregional projects. 
(b) supplies of aerial photographs and satellite imageries to national institutions where the 
facilities are not available for rapid topographical mapping for planning and implementa 
tion of sub-regional and regional projects and other scientific investigations. Ope 
(c) ‘centres of dissemination’’ of information on appropriate and tested technology in pho- 
togrammetry and remote sensing to the national institutions and which will meet member the | 
States specific needs for geographic information for planning and development, and ne 
(d) finally, the national and sub-regional early warning units should feed the regional institu- | / 
tions charged with this responsibility regularly and continuously with relevant data for | our § 
the rehabilitation of agricultural development and the inprovement of the food situation 
in Africa, and provide inputs into other development projects. coun 
ties t 
Madam Chairlady, i 
Members of the Commission Board, 5 form 
Distinguished Guests and Participants, | i at le 
Ladies and Gentlemen, (E at Ul 
LEE - 
| P 
Finally, let us all remember that if we are to make progress, be masters of our economic | gl Hat 
destiny and not continue to be economically dependent, we must work towards establishing LEID TS ! 
effective sovereighnty over our natural resources. This we will be able to achieve if we know the | Mr. 
resources which we have and develop them to meet the needs of our people. The acquisition of | E Mr. | 
the appropriate technology and its judicious application to the development of those resources a: then 
will have to come into play. Technology, as we all know, holds the key to our salvation and pho- VB 
togrammetry and remote sensing are two of its most important application. À Dr. | 
; À i Gern 
| thank you for your attention. P 

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