Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Economic Development

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Saudi Arabia. 
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19. Western European Countries: Mr. N.W.T. Chisholm, Dept. of Geography, University College 
of Wales, Penglais, Aberystwyth, Dyfed. S723 3D B, United Kingdom. 
In order to obtain the necessary information a special questionnaire was or is being mailed 
by the Chairman of ISPRS WG—1 to each regional sub-working group chairman. In addition, 
the sub-working group chairmen were asked or are being asked to nominate for each country in 
their sub-working group regions at least one national delegate being a member of the respective 
sub-working group. Furthermore, the sub-working group chairmen were asked or are being asked 
to forward to their national delegates copies of the special questionnaire for completion. Finally, 
each sub-working group chairman was asked or is being asked to undertake (in collaboration with 
the national delegates) an inventory of the available photogrammetry and remote sensing man- 
power in his respective sub-working group region. 
Furthermore, the sub-working group chairmen were or are being asked to prepare a report 
on their findings (surveys) for their sub-working group regions with an analysis of the data collec- 
ted, conclusions and recommendations; a report (paper) which should be ready for being sub- 
mitted to the 1988 ISPRS Tokyo Congress. 
Finally, the sub-working group chairmen were encouraged to personally attend the 1986 
Commission VI Symposium and they were asked to present at the Symposium a short progress 
report on the activities of their sub-working group and also to forward such a report to the work- 
ing group chairman not later than August 31, 1986. 
In Ref. 1 it was reported that in 1984 the world's photogrammetry and remote sensing man- 
power amounted to 150,000 persons. It will be the task of the ISPRS WG VI—I to up-date this 
figure up to the 1988 ISPRS Congress in Tokyo. Also it will be of importance for education 
planning for the future to determine the ratio U: T: A where: 
U Personnel with a compieted university level education or the equivalent. 
T Personnel with a completed technician level education, and 
A Auxiliary personnel (auxiliary plotter operators, photo lab personnel, etc.) 
In photogrammetry and remote sensing this ratio is not yet known. However, such a ratio 
has been determined in 1976 for the world's total Surveying & Mapping (5 & M) manpower. 
According to Ref. 2, this ratio amounted to: 
U:T:A = 1:5:4 where U+T+A = ~ 1.2 million people. 
It wil! be an important task of ISPRS WG VI—I to determine whether this ratio also applies 
to photogrammetry and remote sensing or whether in these disciplines there exists a more or less 
different ratio. 
Another task of ISPRS WG VI—I will be to determine the actual proportions of the world’s 
photogrammetry and remote sensing manpower in government services and in the private sector. 
As to the world's total S & M, manpower, it is estimated that 60% of this manpower work in 
government agencies and 40% in the private sector. It will be necessary to determine whether this 
ratio also applies to photogrammetry and remote sensing; in other word's the specific ratio for 
photogrammetry and remote sensing still remains to be determined. Another important task of 
ISPRS WG VI—I is to determine the number of new personnel which is or is supposed to be gra- 
duated or trained each year as a percentage of the world's total active photogrammetry and re- 
mote sensing manpower. According to Ref. 2 and for the world's total 5 & M manpower this 

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